Sunday 31 May 2020

Day 70 - please stay alert!

Day 70 - Happy Sunny Sunday everyone!

Its been a bit of weird day in the Reeve household.  We got up early to head to the seaside.  As Felixstowe is only around 35 minutes from us we decided that was the best place to head to.  MOST of us got up at around 7am to get ourselves ready.  I woke both of the boys as they hadn't got up at around 7:15am.  Matthew was ready and waiting in the kitchen by 7:25am, but Simon I had to in to at least twice to push along.... he was still brushing his teeth at 7:35am.  We did eventually leave. We usually go in the docks way as its nice to park up the end opposite to the pier.  We got almost there and found the road was closed, no warning, so had turn back and make our way in towards the main pier area.  I was thinking 'this is not a great start', but it was fine.

We decided to park up towards the pier area and walk the opposite way.  There were a few people around, but they looked like people that lived there as they were running, biking or walking with their dogs and not many families, like us.  

Teddy absolutely loved it and probably wondered where his hash brown was.  It must have been a few months after we got Teddy when I started taking him to Felixstowe on my day off.  We would drop the boys off at school and then head over there.  We would do our walk from the end of the docks and make our way to the pier where a new restaurant called 'The Boardwalk' had opened and had a lovely outdoor seating area, although they were kind enough to let me take Teddy in there to place our order as I wouldn't leave him outside.  His treat was a Hash Brown every time we went in there and their scrambled eggs on toast were just so lovely, as well as their Eggs Benedict.  It was really sad to see it all closed up today as Teddy started to make his way up the pier to the gates.

All in all, we had a lovely time, even though we were only there around an hour.  We then decided we would try and get a drive-thru McDonald's for our breakfast so popped into Ipswich on our way home.  We found by looking on our phones that they do not open until 11am today - we were gutted, not that we go there very often, but bearing in mind we don't go out much these days, we thought it would be a nice treat.  The only place we found open was Starbucks drive-thru, so had to have a coffee/cold drink and a pastry, it wasn't quite what we wanted, but best to the make the most of our escape!

So getting up early on a Sunday morning was most definitely worth it and I would like to do it again sometime.

We then got home and didn't know what to do with ourselves as we had no jobs to do.  I looked at a few things for work to keep my mind occupied, downloaded a book and have read it (it wasn't many pages).  Chris watched a film or two. Matthew watched some football on BTSport that I paid for him and Simon did what he usually does - lock himself in his room to play Xbox.

I have taken Teddy on a couple of walks in this time too, so I haven't been totally lazy.  

As you can see our seating area is all now finished and all the cushions have arrived - just waiting on our new cantilever umbrella to turn up.

Hope you have all had a fabby weekend.

So until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!!

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