Monday 18 May 2020

Day 57 - Stay Alert

Day 57 in this new crazy world we live in!

So its a Monday - how did yours go?  Mine was fairly relaxed to be honest, which was nice.  I did have a lot of work to do, but I managed to keep calm about it all and just got on with it.  I feel really quite tired tonight, although I did sleep really well last night, which makes a bit of a change.

We had some Chinese Chicken and salad for tea tonight. I love having salads in the summer.  I often chop loads of things up, well I do mean edible food and add them to mixed salad leaves with bacon and chicken and things like that. We also love balsamic glaze drizzled on it. Yummy.  I think we may just have jacket spuds tomorrow night for tea.   Lunch has become a bit of a boring meal.  We tend to just have a cheese or tuna sandwich, which is not particularly exciting, but I just can't get myself into making anything different. Maybe I just don't have the inclination at that time of the day. Does anyone have any ideas?

As you can see we saw some new stones on our walk tonight.  I don't think they are made by the same people, but I could be wrong.  I don't mind as they are all amazing whoever has been making them.  Teddy was quite funny tonight.  I was about to put him on his lead at the gate of the garden and Chris just opened the said gate so Teddy thought he was free to wonder off.  The little monkey must have had a great laugh to himself as he wondered off down the drive.  He was a little sod as he must have smelt something, as he wouldn't leave the trail alone and just ignored us.  The next second a partridge goes flying up and he tried to chase it.  He was in one of those moods tonight, or maybe its every night!

The cushions arrived today for our new seating area - they just need to paint it without complaining now!  I have never heard anything like it when they were painting them. They have a little roller each (Matthew & Simon, not Teddy) and just moaned constantly about how long it was taking.  I only got there near the end and they were wearing some of their fairly new sports clothes - apparently they didn't think it would stain!!  Boys!!!  I know I moan about them, but I wouldn't be without them - love them to bits.

Simon got a call from his form tutor today to check how he was getting on.  The phone was linked to my headset so he had to use that to speak to him, it was quite amusing.  His form tutor has a really good sense of humour and a good job Simon gets on really well with him, he was smiling as he spoke to him. It was good of them to check in with him - he wanted to check if he was getting on ok with the work and what he thought of it.  Simon was honest and said it was going ok and that it is quite hard as there isn't anybody in front of him teaching and there to ask questions when you have them, but it does make him work harder to find the answers.  He may be going back next month for a few days, but we haven't heard anything as yet.

So I am going to head off for the rest of the evening now... so until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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