Friday 8 May 2020

Day 47 - Lockdown on VE Day

Day 47 - here we are on the 75th Anniversary of VE Day and what a beautiful day it has been.

We did our shopping collection first thing and then dropped the shopping off along with some afternoon tea goodies.

As you can see when we had done our jobs we got the bunting out and we also had balloons that I found in the drawer.  I just hadn't got around to getting anything for today, but I am sure it doesn't matter.

The next photos are of our afternoon tea efforts.  The boys as you know made the sweet treats and then Matthew helped me with the sarnies.  I cleaned all our crockery for the occasion as I felt I needed to do it right! I didn't get all my teapots out - that would have been going way too far.  We had a lovely time.

Then I actually spent some time sitting in the sun and reading a book - can't remember the last time I did that!  

We then went on our evening walk with Teddy and had a catch up with some neighbours afterwards, obviously socially distancing.  One of our other neighbours decided today was the day to cut some concrete to put a drain in - lets just say it was very noisy in amongst the tweeting of the birds.  

It feels like the weekend already, but its only Friday...this lockdown malarkey is very confusing.  Tomorrow is meant to be really warm again, which will be nice to top up the tan again.  I think we are going to look at getting some pallets down from the yard to start our next project - looking forward to it!

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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