Thursday 7 May 2020

Day 46 - Lockdown

Day 46 of lockdown and the night before VE Day.

Another busy day completed and 3 days off.  Really looking forward to tomorrow.  Have made our calls for the shopping lists and have the shopping to collect and then deliver in the morning.  The boys have been really busy today baking.  Matthew made Scones and a delicious ginger cake. Simon made mini Victoria sponges and Mini Chocolate cakes.  It all looks really yummy and can't wait to tuck into them tomorrow.  I will take some pictures for you.

I have quickly made some bunting with some triangles I made years ago and attached them with a staple as I don't have a sewing machine anymore.  I am looking forward to decorating the fence and getting all my cake stands out.  You won't believe how many I have.  Thats what happens when you start a business making afternoon tea - please note I no longer do this! 

Todays recipe is one that I haven't made before Ritas Rowdy Enchiladas from Tesco.  It looks amazing and would like to make them soon.

One of Simon's favourite foods are Mexican wraps so he will be pleased I have found this.

We have been on our walk this evening, but only a short one as the time seems to have gone so quickly today.

I am feeling much better today and slept so well last night.  Sorry for being a bit grumpy this week.  I assume everyone else has been going through the same - good days and bad.  With all my fingers crossed I hope next week is much better.

So you all take care and until tomorrow.....keep your distance!

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