Saturday 2 May 2020

Day 41 - Lockdown

Day 41 of Lockdown.

Here we are on Saturday 2nd May and still safely in our own homes obeying the rules set our by the Government.  If we all obey hopefully I won't get to 100 days!!

The willow tree here was on my walk with Teddy first thing this morning.  Its not often I stand back and look at nature to appreciate it, but this morning I really looked at it and realised how lovely it really is and the way it bends over.  The trunk is all twisted and looks just so interesting.  I am getting a bit worried about myself as its not like me to talk about a tree for so long.  This lockdown really must be going to my head or I am just trying to find things to talk about - probably both!

The next picture down is the pudding we had tonight.  We got it from Cook Shop - Raspberry and White Chocolate Cheesecake again another delicious dish from them.  Our main was Beef Bourguignon from the same place and the Beef was melt in the mouth and the sauce was extremely rich - yum!!

I haven't really done a lot today.   Like I said took Teddy for his little walk first thing.  Then had some crumpets for breakfast and got on with cleaning the house.  I had my helper who does the hoovering and dusting, while I clean the bathrooms. Changed the beds and got the washing up to date.  Then walked down the end of our drive to clean the 'Reeve Farms' sign which has never been cleaned and was looking a bit ropey.  

As you can also see from below I have baked some Oat & Raisin Cookies.  Made soup for our lunch - carrot, sweet potato, leek and sweet chilli sauce.

We also took Teddy for another walk this evening, let him of his lead and he went running across the fields after something we couldn't see.  It took ages to get him back - naughty little boy.  He didn't get any treats for coming back eventually as he should have come back after the first whistle.  He does seem a bit shattered now.

We have our Zoom Quiz at 8pm, so I am going to have to go now... so until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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