Tuesday 19 May 2020

Day 58 - Stay Alert

Day 58 - not far from 60!

We have a casualty of lockdown.  My poor glasses have taken a battering.  First I sat on them and cracked the top, but they managed to stay together and then Teddy attacked them at the weekend, so they are now bandaged up.  I have spoken to the opticians and they are looking at making me another pair and they will post them to me soon.  At least nobody can see me - no more zoom meetings please!

Had a nice day and the weather has been beautiful.  Had a lovely walk this evening and Teddy was tired before we got very far and he chased pheasants again.

It was my Dad's Birthday today.  Happy Birthday Dad!!  Its weird this situation isn't it.  Normally we would have gone out somewhere to eat to celebrate, so we will have to do that when we are allowed to again, it might be a while, but we look forward to it.

We finished our lovey cheesecake tonight and all the banana and chocolates have gone, so we have no sweet treats left.  I will now have to look at making something more...maybe I can get my little chef on the case tomorrow.  We also have our new sour dough starter that we thought we might try out.  I wonder what my little chef can make?  We have a few bits and pieces in the cupboard so I am sure he will find enough ingredients for something delicious.

Not a lot more has really happened since I last blogged.  I am sorry that we have got to day 58 and I am running out of things to talk about... hopefully the family will do some more stupid things that I tell you about.  Tonight they were talking about a holiday we went on to Majorca a few years ago - they have decided they would like to go on another one like that as soon as we can.  I was told that we had to go all inclusive as they eat and drink lots!  It is nice talking about previous holidays and what they can remember.  Matthew said he remembers a holiday we went on 11 years ago to Egypt.  Its nice to hear what they remember.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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