Saturday 30 May 2020

Day 69 - Do what you like!!

Day 69 - As it all gets more confusing - you might as well do what you like now!  

As you can see Teddy as had his cool bandana on today, although there was quite a breeze today it was also very sunny and warm.

I managed to get all the washing done and also got it ironed and put away.  Now that doesn't happen very often, but really pleased it is all up to date. 

We are going to get up early tomorrow and make our way to the seaside for a walk and hopefully not see anyone or at last very few people.  Let's hope not everyone has decided to do the same.

We had a nice BBQ this evening.  Cooked some sweet potatoes, onions and courgettes on there, along with sausages, steak burgers and beef kebabs.   We did manage to have a nice treat afterwards though - Chocolate Brownie I baked this afternoon.  

Our evening walk was just so lovely.  It was good to have a little breeze or we would have really found it a bit hot.  We were surprised as it was over 7pm at night.  Matthew and I then had a nice dip in the spa - it was so lovely.  I got myself a little seat to go in the spa as I find it difficult to sit in there as I am too short - you are meant to fill it up with water and sit on it.  Well, it didn't work - it kept floating with me on it, it was quite funny but annoying at the same time.  Made Matthew laugh anyway.  Whilst we were in there Teddy did his usual - running around like a loony, we thought he would be tired - no such luck! 

Not sure what else we are going to do tomorrow as we have run out of jobs to do.  I can now understand how people have found it so difficult to cope if they don't have anything to do.  I must admit the weather is helping as we can go for so many walks.

I will let you know how tomorrow goes on my blog.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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