Sunday 10 May 2020

Day 49 - Lockdown

So its Day 49 and sitting in anticipation of our Countries next move.

I have to be very honest it has been the most boring day of Lockdown so far.  We don't have any jobs that we can start today, although the lounge needs decorating but we need at least 3 clear days for that to be started.  So I have been reading and catching up on work emails, so that says a lot about my day.

As Promised I have some photo's to share with you from the past.  Some are funny and I am sure some will make people emotional seeing them again.  They certainly made me think thats for sure.

The top photo.  Some of you may know that when I was younger my Brother, Dad and Uncle got into grass track racing.  My other Uncle used to be into it in a very big way and was called 'Buster' for a reason!  He then became in charge of checking the cars were safe to drive and didn't have any illegal parts on them.  Then as my older brother got too old to drive in the Juniors race, I then took over.  Lets just say I think I might have got lapped by the leader on my first lap.  I was like a doddery old lady driving it.  I was still very young at the time though.  I was probably around 14 and it was my first experience of driving a car.  It was really scary.  I didn't last long and I was always made aware that if I damaged the car I would be in trouble as my Brother also drove it.  My Brother did continue for quite sometime and so did my Dad and Uncle (his Brother).

The next two photographs, well what can I say about them.  The top one is Grandad Eric, who I have mentioned before was always up for a laugh and the next one down is my Dad and me.  Every Christmas when the family got together us Children would put on a show.  My Nan Sylvie always had clothes and accessories we could use to dress up.  Grandad as you can see ended up with rosy cheeks and lipstick one year.  I remember this so vividly - he feel asleep after lunch and as he was in quite a deep sleep we decided to make his face up.  As you can tell he wasn't too unhappy about it.  The next one is my Dad putting on a performance.  Looks like he really got into the part - he probably had a few too many shandy's.  One of the funny parts of Christmas was that after lunch everyone (except us kids) always fell asleep and it didn't matter where - some people were found under the table of all places.  But our Christmases were always full of fun and laughter and not taking ourselves too seriously which makes me realise how much I miss all the people that are no longer with us and the times we had.

The next photo down is my Mum and me.  We were on holiday somewhere, who knows where, because I can't remember, but I do know that bloke was the compare for the evening and he must have said something to make us laugh.    I think I was around 16 at the time as I remember that skirt and top - how weird is that.  I do remember wearing them to work as I started working when I was 16.

So thats enough of memory lane for today.  I do hope you have all had a lovely long weekend and kept to the lockdown rules.  It seems quite a few Parks were crowded with people over the past couple of days.  I do hope that doesn't cause the Lockdown to be even longer than they were thinking.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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