Wednesday 13 May 2020

Day 52 - Lockdown to 'Stay Alert'

Day 52 and we are still here in lockdown, not sure about the rest of you!

I didn't have any photo's for you, but we have just looked at some parcels that arrived earlier and I had a wonderful surprise from a very lovely friend.  Its a Essential Oil Diffuser, so that I can have a lovely fragrance and mood lighting, yes it has 7 different colours and now I can't wait to try it out.  I will put it in my office, which doubles up as the boys gym, so they are going have a lovely fragrance to pump the weights to. I actually think it will benefit me as I don't have a smelly boys smell in my office.  Thank you! 

I have had a really good day.  Been busy as usual and had a lovely family walk tonight.  Well I say walk - the boys decided to take their mini rugby ball with them and lost it in 2 ditches.  Teddy has decided to be a ditch dog now and can't wait to jump in them.  He went down 2. There are more than 2 ditches on our walk, so we are thankful he decided to only go down 2.  We didn't see any more stones on our walk tonight 😒

We have a shopping collection early evening tomorrow, so I have been frantically getting lists together and ordering as much as possible and then we have another collection on Friday from a different supermarket.  I do feel quite guilty for doing this, but at the end of the day we are trying to feed 3 families and I think going around the supermarket is going to be worse than it was before so I would rather do it this way.  I really do miss walking around the supermarket and choosing what I want to eat, rather than leaving it to other people, but that's the way it is.  I really don't think people understand that just because things have been relaxed very slightly, it doesn't mean that COVID is no longer there, it is and I think there will be at least another spike before it really settles down.  We all still need to be careful and not act as if we can go and do what we want.  I urge you all to stay safe and look after your friends and family.  We all need to stick together in this.  Sorry for going on about it, but I am very concerned about it.

I have ordered some ingredients to make the No Bake Pineapple Cheesecake this weekend, so thought I would share the recipe again with you.  I am really looking forward to making this.  As the weather sounds like it will be nice again, we will hopefully have a BBQ, so ordered some bits for that  also.  

We have managed to gather a few jobs already for the weekend.  The wood is being delivered on Friday, so the new seating area can move forward.  The flooring for the hot tub has also been delivered so we can finally get that put up for the summer months.  I am not very good at watering anything in the garden, I have all good intentions to start with and then get fed up with it, so they basically die.  Chris said the dew fairy doesn't come along and water them you know!  So I am thinking I either plant some seeds and see what happens, as I already have them and won't have spent any money or order some artificial plants.  I have a few in the garden already which look quite nice to be honest.   We shall see how I feel.

So until tomorrow, please stay safe and.... keep your distance!

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