Friday 1 May 2020

Day 40 - Lockdown

Day 40 of Lockdown and its Friday!!

As you can tell we had our usual Chicken Korma for tea.  I worry we are a little boring having the same sort of dishes each week, but I suppose its what we like and I now know how to make it without the recipe!

Had a busy morning collecting and delivery goodies to family of which they were very grateful.  It was nice to see them and have a quick chat at the door.  It must be hard as they don't see anyone else all week.

I keep getting distracted tonight whilst trying to write this as been watching The Great British Menu which we have watched since Wednesday.  Have you been watching it? 

Work was really busy again doing this and that when I eventually got to my desk and now looking forward to a bit of a rest this weekend.  And a bit of rest I think it may be as we don't have a massive list of jobs to do thank goodness.  

We have a Zoom quiz tomorrow night, which we are all really looking forward and apparently the only rule of play is having 2 bottles of wine first!

Went on our family walk tonight with 'Ant Boy' who managed to come back thick with mud as he decided to drink out of puddles after chasing lots of birds!

Todays recipe is Fruity Flapjacks from Jo Wheatley recipe book, but are also featured on her website.  I have mentioned before that I struggle to make Flapjacks, but I can make these and Matthew has also made them.  If you don't have particular ingredients they are easy to change for alternatives

I think we may have another one of our 'Cook Shop' meals tomorrow night, which I am looking forward to.  We also managed to get a pudding so that will be a real treat.

So I best finish now as 'The Chase' is on in a few minutes and we have really enjoyed watching it this week.  Sad hey!!

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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