Thursday 30 April 2020

Day 39 - Lockdown

Day 39 of Lockdown.  Yet another odd days weather.  Still a bit chilly and wet, but we do need some rain.

As you can see we saw another stone on our travels.  They still amuse me!

Another busy day at work - thank goodness its Friday tomorrow!!

So I went to add all the shopping to Tesco for collection tomorrow and found that we can only add 80 items, which isn't enough for 3 families, so Chris has gone out to get our shopping this evening and I have made phone calls for shopping lists and ordered the food.

Me, Matthew and Teddy went out to clap tonight, which was really nice as we saw the neighbours and even heard fireworks going off!  

Have to say a very special 'Happy Birthday' to Captain Tom Moore, who not only celebrated his 100th Birthday today, but was also made a Colonel.  This man is such an inspiration and it just goes to show you can be any age to make a difference to so many.

Tonights recipe is going to be Pork, Apple and Celery Pie

This is a lovely recipe and really easy to make. We often make our own pastry for this as the sheets are barely large enough and also use more sausage meat as my boys are always so hungry and if any is left we put it in the freezer to have another time.

Was good to see Boris back tonight, although he does seem a little pale and breathless.  Hope he full recovers soon.

I don't really have a lot more to report tonight - oh Teddy has just killed his beloved toy 'Mr Skunk', not sure how he is going to cope as he has conversations with him everyday.

So you all take and until tomorrow... keep your distance!!

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