Saturday 4 April 2020

Day 13 - Lockdown

So its Saturday on Day 13 and what a beautiful day it has been and meant to be better tomorrow.  As you can see from this photo we did our Teddy walk today.  Most days 3 of us have been going, with Chris working as he was today.

I have managed to strip all the beds, wash and dry them which feels like a big achievement as the weather hasn't really been drying weather.  Now got to iron them - to be honest I don't think I will ever moan about having to iron anything  again as it keeps me occupied these days.  I also tend to watch the TV or listen to an audio book whilst doing it.

The boys have been great today....they have dusted and vacuumed their rooms as well as vacuuming the house for me.  I struggle to do it with my bad back, so they have been doing this for me the last couple of weeks.  They stripped their beds for me also, bless them.  Even Teddy has had his bed washed and also him.  He goes mental after having a bath and I have never known a dog love having a bath as much as he does.

Tonight is curry night and Matthew has taken it upon himself to make it again tonight.  Thank you for the coconut milk Sharon - its going to make the curry so lovely and creamy tonight.  We are missing the mango chutney as we haven't got any so we have chucked a big squirt of honey in it to sweeten it up a bit!  Needs must and all that.  I will get some for next week.

So todays ingredient is a little bit different.  I had some things in the fridge that I needed to use up so I made some soup for lunch.  We had leeks, sweet potato and carrot.  Its a made up recipe where I chuck loads of the ingredients in with some water and stock cubes then boil it up for a while.   Add some sweet chilli sauce.  It then gets whizzed up and hey presto we have a delicious soup that will last us a couple of days.  

I have also made some pastry today to make some sausage rolls and with what was left made some Jam Tarts.  

I have always enjoyed making food from scratch, which to be honest we do on a daily basis but at the moment it feels so much more rewarding to make things for my family that we can all enjoy together.  With Easter around the corner we are hoping that we can make some hot cross buns and chocolate Easter cake.  I will keep you posted on this.  We managed to get some mini eggs and things yesterday in our shopping so we hope we can achieve this. We have to enjoy what we can these days with this lockdown.

So did you guess yesterdays photo?  It was the Harry Potter Castle at Universal Studios, LA.  We queued up for over an hour to get in there and it made most of us feel sick.

I feel really energised today and managed to get lots done.  I haven't felt full of the joys of spring this week, maybe its this lockdown thing just getting to me, I don't know.  Next week is another week and hope it will be more positive.

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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