Tuesday 21 April 2020

Day 30 - Lockdown

Day 30 of Lockdown.

So the woodpecker got away again.  I think he must be camera shy as I saw him, got to the window and he flew off and I ended up with a photo of the feeder only.  Please note I did go to the window slowly as not to scare him off.  So instead I thought I would show you our apple tree.  Its just starting to bloom.  I will hopefully have more updates on this soon.  Chris gave me this for one of our Wedding Anniversaries.

I have had a very busy day again, which is great, but I have not been used to not knowing where to turn next!

Had another bad nights sleep, another 2am one!  Chris had to get up early to load some lorries, so not many hours last night.  This is driving me mad, but try again tonight.

We have our Zoom quiz tomorrow night - wish us luck.  I am useless at this sort of thing, but hopefully the rest of the family will be able make up for it.

I have to say I made the worst tea we have had of the lockdown. I made Macaroni cheese and didn't have enough cheese and put cauliflower in it.    It really didn't taste of cheese.  We also had a part bake roll with it.  Matthew said the best part was the roll - so it must have been bad. I now feel bad as I try to feed us nice dinners and have let everyone down.  We have also ordered some frozen meals from our neighbours who have one of the Cook Food franchises to give me a bit of a break.  They look delicious and we have tried them before.

Matthew has mowed some of the grass we have outside the fence today.  Chris normally mows it with a big mower on a tractor, but it has broken and should have been fixed by the engineer last year, but he still hasn't done it and now can't get the parts because of the lockdown.  It will take hours for him to do the rest of the grass that needs cutting.  I reckon when he has finished it all he will have to start again.  He is a bit of a moody teenager today - its not bad, its only taken 30 days!

As you can tell there wasn't a lot happen today and to be honest I feel really tired and my brain doesn't want to think of things to ramble on about.  So I am going to night, night.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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