Sunday 26 April 2020

Day 35 - Lockdown

Day 35 is here and nearly gone.  Where has the time gone.

So here it is - the finished fence.  We also managed to paint parts of the car ports/shed as the weather had started to get to it.  I can't believe the amount of work we have done over the past few weeks.

I am now absolutely shattered now, but looking forward to the week ahead. I haven't managed to bake anything, so I will have to look at baking over the week, to keep us going.  We have two growing lads that like to be on the go.  As you can see briefly in this photo Matthew and Simon were throwing a mini Rugby ball around.  Teddy loves to join in by being piggy in the middle then going to the bird bath for a drink in between throws.

We had a lovely BBQ tonight.  Just some burgers, sausages and halloumi with small baked potatoes.  I think if the weather continues to be nice we may have have more of these.  It was good for the first one of the year.

The weather does look like it may change here for the next few days, with a bit of rain hopefully, as the garden and fields growing the new crops could really do with a good old rain.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I am not sure these days, if I should ask people that question as quite a lot of people are obviously going through heartache, job stress or very down from being stuck at home.  Its such a difficult time for so many people.  We will get through it and become stronger the other side.

I will try to get my ingredient/recipes going again next week.  I have felt so busy, I just haven't had the time to think about it.  

So you all take care and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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