Friday 10 April 2020

Day 19 - Lockdown

Day 19 - and again what a beautiful day its been.

Happy Good Friday everyone!

We managed to get the click and collect shopping and then top up with a few bits from the fishmonger, butcher and co-op.  We are all set for the next week. Next weeks shopping is going to be a little different though as we no longer have any click and collects.  A friend has told me about a fairly local food distributor that makes up packs of meat from their butchery, fruit, veg and any other items you need and delivers them to your door, so I think that will be our way forward.  If anyone local to us needs the details do let me know as happy to share them.

As it was such a lovely day I decided it was time to get out the G & T.  I have to say it has been a very welcome distraction from all that has been going on.

Hope you all managed to hang out of your window or door to clap last night for all the people that are helping to keep the Country going.  We did and some of our neighbours did too.

After doing the shopping we decided it was time to fill the skip up that has been sitting there waiting for us.  Its as full as possible now - we certainly know how to fill a skip correctly.  It was really therapeautic smashing wardrobes and slashing beds to put in there.  I think we all look a little pink now from the sun - well maybe a little red.

I finally got all my washing and ironing completely up to date including all the bedding - very proud of myself, after such a hectic social life I struggle to fit it in!! :-)

We have been for our daily exercise on the usual route and picked Pippa's dandelion leaves as she was getting low.  And yes we did take Teddy aka 'Ant Boy'.  He has been a bit of a menace again today.  He keeps stealing our shopping whilst we are trying to put it away.  He keeps sitting in the sun and then wonders why he is hot!  

I am going to give you a weekend off my cooking ingredients and get back to it on Tuesday, unless we get out of lockdown by then!  

Talking of lockdown, how long do you think it will be?  I feel I have come to terms with the situation and in order to keep me, my family and others safe I am willing to just pop out once a week for essentials, unless there is an emergency reason to go out.  I am hoping that other people are beginning to realise how serious this situation really is and unless we all do our bit, the lockdown could go on even longer than it really needs to.  I have to be honest, I think it will go on for a long time and even when we are not in lockdown, we will still have to socially distance from others and then maybe go back into lockdown for a while.  I may be wrong and the scientist know quite a lot they are not sharing and lets hope they are.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!!

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