Friday 17 April 2020

Day 26 - Lockdown

Day 26 - Lockdown.

I have to say I am losing track of the days and time at the moment.  Its been a 4 day week, but doesn't really feel like it. I don't know where the time has gone.  I think that is probably a good thing especially in the current climate.

Not really got a an enormous amount of news to share with you today.  

I have had a very busy working day, which I have really enjoyed.  We dropped the shopping off at the in-laws and popped into a shop to get some extra bits we couldn't get for them last night.  

Been for our daily exercise and it was blooming freezing so we cut the walk short.  Although Teddy didn't get the memo as he decided that a lonely goose was fair game tonight.  The stupid thing kept dropping to the ground and he was then back hot on its tail.  It eventually got  away by flying over a ditch he didn't fancy jumping.  He has tried jumping ditches before and got stuck in the middle, so he doesn't tend to try them these days.

We had our curry evening as you can see from the above image.  It was lovely and I didn't even have to make it all on my own, I had assistance from Sir Fix-it!  It obviously went down nicely with a cold glass of wine or two!

No ingredient tonight, although I was well chuffed today - managed to get some more macaroni.  We have struggled to get any so that hasn't been on the menu for a while.  Its funny how you tend to look around shops and when you see something you can't get you grab it rather quickly.

I have a few jobs on the agenda for this weekend.  I still need to sort out our bedroom - everything is still in boxes.  I'm sure you can't imagine who has been reminding me about this! Some chopping back of bushes near my office/gym window needs doing.  The new bird feeder station has arrived so that needs making up as the birdies need this new one desperately.  I am not sure if it will rain this weekend, so the washing may have to dry inside again, which is really annoying.

I feel like I am a bit annoyed at the moment.  I don't feel particularly annoyed about anything in particular, but maybe I do deep down.  I didn't sleep too well again last night - brain in overdrive again, so do feel a bit tired tonight.  Need a weekends rest from my brain whirring - lets hope that happens hey!

A subject I have touched on briefly is my Mum.  For those of you who don't know, we unfortunately lost my Mum nearly 15 years ago.  I know it sounds bad, but as you lose track of time you don't always remember how long ago it was.  Unfortunately for me I know exactly as Simon was born on the 10th March and Mum passed away on the 30th June 2005.  She was a complete loonie, to put it bluntly.  She was very stubborn but always the life and soul.  The sort of person that at 9pm in the evening would get in the car and drive a for a couple of hours to somewhere completely random because she wanted to.  I do often wonder what she would think of this or that and especially the situation we are in at the moment.  I really can't imagine her towing the line as that just wasn't in her make up.  I shall have to think of some stories to tell you - don't worry we seem to have plenty of time.

So until tomorrow, you all stay safe.... keep your distance!

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