Wednesday 1 April 2020

Day 10 - Lockdown

So here we are at Day 10, of this very surreal life we are leading at the moment.

Got a great photo to share with you today.  Chris found Teddy taking himself for a walk this morning.  He does love just standing on the treadmill and sometimes falls asleep on it - if only we could do that!  Please note no animals were hurt whilst taking this photo.

Have been for a lovely walk again today in the brisk cold air.  It is very cloudy here today, but at least it isn't raining.  We never used to meet anyone on our walks, but lately we always meet at least one person.

How is everyone feeling as we are now at day 10 of this strict social distancing to lockdown?

Not sure why, but I seem to be getting the munchies a lot in the evening just lately. I do wonder if its down to boredom or we have been eating our tea earlier than normal as evening expeditions don't exist at the moment.  So are you a savoury or sweet person when it comes to munchies?  I would usually prefer something savoury myself, like cheese biscuits or scone.

Its Simon's last day of school work before the Easter break.... that is going to be odd.  Not sure what he is going to do with himself as he has probably already watched all he can on Netflix the way he has been watching between lessons.  I heard him giggling earlier online with his friends - it was lovely to hear.  It doesn't seem to have dampened his spirits at all.

So todays ingredient is..... tinned pineapple. I hope I am not too predictable with this recipe, but is very easy and yes you've guessed it, tasty too!  Pineapple Upside Down Cake the recipe I usually use is from Nigella Lawson Express Cookbook - the link is shown here to her website.  It doesn't tend to last long in our house, so I usually make a pint of custard to go with it.

The other recipe I like to use for pineapple is Easy No Bake Pineapple Cheesecake and if I don't have crushed pineapple I usually put what I have in my small chopper machine to smash it up.  

Its times like these that you think about where else you would like to visit when it is safe again.  I would like to go back to New Zealand again and probably travel around like we did before.  Canada is another place on my list.  Its not a particularly long list now.  Perhaps pop into Sydney whilst in New Zealand, but Australia doesn't really appeal like it used to.  Singapore for 2-3 days would be nice, as only went there for a day and night previously so missed the night zoo. I think its going to be a long time before I want to travel abroad again to be honest as I want to feel safe.  I think maybe the motorhome travelling around the UK will take the place of International travel for a while.  I would love a motorhome - it would be so cool to travel around.  We had one for a month in New Zealand and it was brilliant - I just loved being able to stop when I want to and have a cuppa.

I haven't really been upto much today.  Been doing a bit more teaching myself computer design stuff, which I am really getting the hang of now.  Ticked a job off my list.

So until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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