Tuesday 31 March 2020

Day 9 - Lockdown

Day 9 in the Reeve household on Lockdown.

So here we are on a lovely sunny morning - the Skies are so blue, but there is still a chill in the air, so be warned if venturing out for your daily exercise.

Talking of exercise I have done some pilates stretches this morning so I can start the day off in a positive way and feel much better for it. Long may it continue.

I had a bit of a problem getting out of bed this morning as I decided to start a new book last night and now can't put it down, its one of them and it is book 6, the last one in a series, so I have to read it all NOW! 

Has anybody been watching this Masterchef series?  Its one of Matthew's must watch programs so we are obviously having to watch it.  Some of those dishes they cook are amazing, but how they think them up is beyond me.  I suppose its like anything, if you have the natural talent for it, you will be able to make it look easy.

So todays ingredient is frozen blueberries.  I always seem to have fruit in the freezer for when we decide we want to make some smoothies or something a little naughty.  But the recipe I have chosen is not really that naughty, but is extremely tasty.  Many of you will know Fay Ripley as the actress from Cold Feet amongst other roles, but she has also written a few cookbooks.  The book I have is Fay's Family Food and it has some really easy but tasty recipes in it.  The recipe I have chosen is Honey-sweetened breakfast muffins, but I have had to look elsewhere on the internet for the recipe for you.  I often make these when we have guests for the weekend for breakfast or the boys take them in their lunch boxes.  At the moment I have all the ingredients, but ask in a weeks time it might be a different story.  Image from website.

I do find this situation still quite surreal.  Most people that can are working from home, which I do on a daily basis, delivery drivers basically 'knock and run' and we put a thumbs up.  We can't meet friends or family to celebrate their Birthdays.  We have to stress all week about how we are going to get food to feed ourselves and isolating families.  Worry about having no work to do, which in-turn results in earning no money to put said food on our tables.  Prices have risen on quite normal things as they are now in short supply.  How long do you think we will be living like this?  We are all in this together although when you feel so isolated it does feel like there is nobody on the outside.  We live in a fairly isolated place, so we are quite used to it, but other people must be finding this a lot harder than we are.

So I sat on my glasses the other day and thought 'no harm done'.  Little did I know that I have cracked the central nose part of them.  I may have to resort to sellotape soon - this situation gets us doing all sorts. I do have some old ones, but the lenses aren't so good for using my laptop, so best keep the sellotape at the ready.

Simon has been given a few tasks to perform by his football coach to keep him fit.  For 3 days they had to do 1000 keepie-uppies each day.  He has done really well with those.  Another day was doing exercises like the plank with a challenge at the end.  He has been doing regular runs also and I think they need to get the parachute out to do some sprinting.  The boys are very lucky as they have a punch bag in the shed along with table tennis and snooker table.  Then inside we have a home gym and treadmill, so they have absolutely no excuse for not doing any exercise.  I obviously have lots of excuses!!! 😜

So did anyone guess where the photo posted yesterday was from.  Was not an easy one!  It was taken at Mirror Lake, Yosemite National Park.  It had rained quite heavily the night before and there was snow on the ground whilst we were there on Christmas Day 2018.  As the tourist information was closed we took a photo on our mobile of the trail.  We lost said trail, fell in a stream, got lost again , fell in stream again and eventually went back the way we came.  Everyone took the pee out of me for having a jacket with one of those special Recco detectors on it, but they wouldn't have been laughing if we had got lost over night and they found us via that, now would they!

So I will now leave you all in peace to enjoy the rest of day, depending on when you are reading this.

Until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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