Monday 30 March 2020

Day 8 - Lockdown

So here we are at Day 8 and it looks like I have bored most people - sorry about that.  Like I said in some of my first blogs these are just my ramblings, so totally understand!

So Monday here we are!  This has always been one of those days that nobody really likes - at least now every day is the same for the majority of us.

I normally have a bit of plan of what I am going to write each day, but that really doesn't seem to have happened today, probably because I had a bad nights sleep and feel a bit restless today.   Lets hope some inspiration comes to me whilst typing.

I have thought of todays ingredient though! Chorito Sausage.  We love cooking with this ingredient and whenever I think of this, Spanish Chicken with Chorizo comes to mind. This is one of Nigella's recipes and it is a very big family favourite.  Even my dad has this recipe and likes it, so it can't be that bad.  Picture from her website is shown here.

You could use just normal potatoes and cut them up and I have been known to part boil the potatoes before putting them in there as if they are a little large they can come out a little solid.

So I decided last night that as nobody can see me I will try out some tanning cream that I purchased late last year and didn't dare try it out.  Like most of these tanning creams, it takes a while to show up, so I was pleasantly surprised this morning.  My toes look a little orange but apart from that there doesn't seem to be much streaking.  I did follow the instructions as closely as possible and have to say I did a good job.

Spoke to my mother-in-law earlier and it appears her hubby is not wanting to behave.  He has already snuck out once and decided that he could just pop to the local shop for some bread!  I also told him off also on that occasion and she has had to keep telling him that he can go out for some fresh air, but is not to 'just pop' anywhere! I understand how difficult it is, it is for me and for some people it feels like they have lost their independence as they have to reply on other people to do everything for them.  I don't want to go out to the shops I would rather stay at home where I know I'm safe, but I have to.

So I said a couple of days ago I would tell you some stories about my Grandad Eric. I think this might be the right time to tell you one.  Like I said he is extremely competitive and he loved to play golf.  What was so nice about this is that the last time he played a round, he played with his son, grandson and great grandson.  Please bear in mind he must have been in his mid eighties and they hired him a golf cart which he thought was great.  He kept telling everyone off which was quite normal for  Grandad, but it was always done in a fun way.  He had to remind them that he didn't want them to tare around like idiots like they usually do.  Thats only because he knew they were good at turning golf carts over!  So as predicted; if he didn't get the ball as far as he wanted or missed a putt, he decided to take his flat cap off and jump on it.  This was a very regular occurrence with Grandad and every time he did it, we all laughed.  He was always a good sport at the end of the day and was the nicest person you could ever wish to meet.  He is very much missed by all the Family.

I need to get myself into a daily routine, so as of tomorrow I am hoping to do some pilates first thing in the morning.  Check emails. Get one of my tasks on my list ticked off. Make some bread - I need to do this every day now as we don't have any. Learn Spanish. Write Blog. Make lunch and tea in between.  Spend an hour at least writing my book. I need to keep myself busy as I haven't even been reading any books like I normally do.

So a short and sweet one for you today.  Can you guess where the top picture was taken?

Until tomorrow....keep distancing!

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