Thursday 26 March 2020

Day 4 - In Lockdown

Day 4 in the Reeve household. (when typing this it made me think of 'Big Brother', not that I have watched it for many years)

I decided to have a lazy morning, just didn't feel like being full of the joys of spring this morning. Although when I did eventually get up, I was greeted with this lovely view outside our window. It was frosty in parts but starting to melt in others. Please note the alarm is still going off at 6:30am and listening to Zoe Ball. I have to say she reminds me of myself - a bit of a clown at times, maybe that's why I like listening to her.

Had a good clear out of the cupboard under the stairs yesterday. I now know why I hate tidying it up.  How many scarves does one person really need.  It did make me reflect on the things we feel are important.  Is a scarf that goes with what else I am wearing going to affect my life. The answer is NO! But what is going to affect my life and everyone else in it, is what happens after this invisible disease goes. Or will it ever go completely? So many things will change and its not all financial either. I wonder if people will be a little more friendly, helpful and kind to each other? I do hope that is the case, although some of the stories that have been reported do make you realise how many unkind and selfish people there are out there.  A friend who is working in a shop said that people think shopping for cushions and throws are necessities - really! Come on people think about it.

We have fed our sourdough starter again today, it is bubbling away and smells, not so great.  Don't panic - its apparently meant to be like that, or it wouldn't be sour I suppose.

I did manage to whip up a loaf of granary bread yesterday.  I love this recipe, its simple and tasty.  I have my go to cookbooks and Jo Wheatley has some great recipes. I couldn't find this particular bread recipe on her website, but she has some other great recipes on there. Jo Wheatley Website
Pictures haven't come through particularly great, sorry!

I don't know if your Facebook feed keeps coming up with lots of sponsored links at the moment, but mine does, probably something to do with 'cookies'. Anyway, I keep seeing offers for online courses, which I have looked at for quite some time anyway, but think it might be good to invest some of this quiet time in learning some new skills.  I am thinking of maybe doing two.  One that will help with my freelance administration business and the second something completely different.  I would love to learn how to speak Spanish, but I'm not sure I would get on particularly well when I struggle with the English language at times.  I shall let you know what I decide.

I can't believe that Easter is only around the corner.  This year is going to be a different sort of Easter. Most people flock abroad or to the seaside, we will all be residing in Costa Del Home this year.  I have been looking at some Hot Cross Bun recipes.  Jo Wheatley has some on her website, that look rather delicious.  I have made them before,  but I think it was a Paul Hollywood's recipe, which turned out well, but not sure I want to make anything he suggests these days. I went to see him live a few years ago when he went on tour - not sure what all the fuss is about and he was really annoying. Anyway, that is my opinion.  So back to Easter - I will do my traditional thing and get all my Easter decorations out.  The boys think I am a crazy lady, but they haven't thought about it - my blood runs through their veins - good luck boys!! 

In these uncertain times, it makes you look back and reflect on all the things you have done with your life so far.  It isn't even 18 months since we came back from an amazing trip around California.  We made some very special memories whilst there and just enjoyed each others company; most of the time! We travelled from San Francisco, to Yosemite National Park and then back to the coast along Highway 1.  Los Angeles to Death Valley, Grand Canyon and then onto Las Vegas. I am not sure we ever want to go back to Vegas - its a really odd place. Yes there are the casinos, yes there are the amazing Hotels, but it just felt really sleazy.  I suppose it doesn't help having half naked men and women wondering around trying to make a living by you having photos taken with them. I think some members of the family were quite happy about it!  But like I said they are memories that will always be with us and I am really happy about that, even if some of them are odd.

So what ingredient have I picked today - lets hope I have enough ingredients for everyday.  Its the humble tin of Tuna.  I am a very picky eater, but I love tuna from a tin, not fresh, only from a tin. Yes I know I am weird. So a family favourite is Tuna Fishcakes.  They are just so easy to make. There is a good recipe on Tuna Fishcakes, but I would probably substitute spring onions and put some other herbs in from my store cupboard.  If it makes too many, I will put them in the freezer for another day. Now all I need is some potatoes!

So its Thursday; where did the week go?  I am still feeling anxious about all that is going on before us, but as you can see I am trying to make the most of it. I am hoping to start doing some exercise as exercising my brain and fingers are being taken care of, but my body isn't.  I used to do a lot of Pilates and haven't for quite some time, so I think I will get my DVD out or look online for some inspiration.  Going for walks with Teddy is great to get some fresh air, but I am only exercising my legs.  I think I need some tips from my sister-in-law on Nordic Walking without poles.  Is that such a thing? I need to investigate.

Not sure I am looking forward to the shopping run tomorrow.  I have done a click and collect from the supermarket.  Just so you can understand the sort of things my family have to put up with.  We went to the supermarket last Friday to collect our shopping.  The nice gentleman came back twice and said could he take our name, so gave him our details. He asked to see my confirmation, so I looked at my phone and realised it was for collection on Friday 27th March and not Friday 20th!  So tomorrow I will collect last weeks order. Poor family.

One of the last things I want to mention is that at 8pm tonight the Radio Channels have been asking everyone to safely, keeping in mind social distancing, to open windows or stand on doorsteps. Then you are to clap and cheer as loudly as you can for all the frontline workers that are risking their lives to make ours better.  I am not sure who will hear us in the middle of nowhere, but we will certainly be doing it. 👏

So until tomorrow...... stay in lockdown if you can!

1 comment:

  1. The bread looks amazing! Nikki you are Super Woman! x
