Tuesday 24 March 2020

Day 2 - Strict Social Distancing to Lockdown

So its Day 2!

What can I say, day 1 was better than anticipated.

Our Sourdough starter is underway and we will feed it again today.  Roll on day 5 when we can use it.  We decided to make 2 so that we had enough at all times.  You do need flour to start it off with the recipe we used.  As with the current situation its going to be trial and error.

Matthew is looking forward to making bread everyday as he does appear to be mastering baking these days.

We had a bake-fest at the weekend.  Made Chocolate Brownies, used left over minced meat from Christmas to make Muffins and Oat & Raisin Cookies.  Some have gone in the freezer, so we can get them out as when we need a sweet fix!  I am in trouble for rationing the family 😍

We have certainly started to be more mindful of what we make to eat and that we don't over cater, although anything left has always gone in the freezer, even more now.  Job for today is to take an inventory of what we have in the kitchen cupboards and freezer, so we only buy what we need and make a meal planner for each day. I think if everybody did this there would't be all this panic buying. I usually have a fairly stocked cupboard, but even that is getting quite depleted.

I understand that some people need to go out and do certain jobs, but it does seem that until someone loses a loved one they are not going to listen to Boris.  You are not only putting yourself at risk, you are potentially infecting other people as well as a close family member.  Rant over!  Boris did say this last night.

I spoke to a friend yesterday afternoon - yes spoke and not text.  She has got to go into insolation for 12 weeks, so we decided I am now a friend that 'knocks and runs'.  I wanted her to know that if the rest of her family have to go into isolation and we are still able to get out for essentials we can drop things off.  I have said this to all my friends and neighbours and if you are one of my friends and I haven't said it, then obviously I don't want to help!  No, seriously if you do, you know where we are. Friends up North - don't take the p..s!!!

I hope all of you parents with younger children have got on ok with the home schooling.  Some friends I have seen on FB have had their kids name their classroom - which is just so cute. Then I have friends teaching their children how to spell 'BOOBS' on a calculator - you know who you are!  I think that we all have to try and keep a sense of humour in these difficult and very uncertain times and not put too much pressure on ourselves.  I feel lucky having older children in some ways as we are not having to home school them - Simon is learning online and Matthew is..... well going to get fed up soon.

Something that really is starting to bug me is that the scammers have come out in force calling and emailing people - how low can some people stoop to.  The whole World is dealing with a crisis and all you can do is try to scam people - disgusting!!!! 😠😠😠😠

The anxious feelings still haven't gone away, but I have to say writing yesterdays blog really did help and the comments I received from my FB page really did give me some inspiration to keep it going, even though I have only written one.   The latest update from Boris really did hit me last night, it makes it feel even more real. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach all the time at the moment - is anyone else feeling like that?

I have always wanted to write a book - maybe this is the time to start it.  It does run in the family!! Should I go for naughty, serious, drama, detective, funny or maybe a mixture?  I think I know what I want to do - what do you think it will be? 😘

Is it that obvious I am not busy.  I wish there was something I could do.  We decided this year not to do much in the way of holidays (good job) and decorate the entire house.  We now have 3 rooms left, out of what feels like 30!!  It looks like our painting gear will be coming out again this week. Yawn, Yawn!

Please do all stay safe, listen to what we are being told and be aware of your vulnerable family, friends and neighbours.  We may not say how much we care for others on a daily basis, but this does make you realise how much you do.

Until day 3..... stay in and be good!!!

Yesterday somebody commented on my post, but some reason Blogger won't allow me to reply, so wanted to reply to 'Unknown'. Yes we have our own grain :-)

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