Wednesday 25 March 2020

Day 3 - In Lockdown

So here we are at day 3.

I did my cupboard inventory yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by what I found, but also thought it would be a good idea to pick an ingredient I don't use regularly and find some recipes that would be nutritious and tasty whilst using what is in our store cupboard.  A tin of cannellini beans - left over from when Simon and I did 'no meat' January.  I always look on website for recipes first and go from there. Found what looks like a tasty Sausage & Cannellini bean casserole. I don't have any celery but I know I have some celery salt and some leeks my dad grew so we will use them. Also don't have any greens to chop up, but have some frozen Spinach I will put in. Its all about adapting with what we do have. Link below and image above from their website.
Sausage and Cannellini Bean Caserole

So my hairdresser is now closed.  Lord knows what colour my hair will be at the end of this.  Its a good job we are in lockdown and nobody will be able to see it.  I am going to have to cut my fringe - sorry Leah!!  She hates it when I get the scissors out as she has trouble sorting it out.  I have already made the boys aware of my intentions with their hair 💇

You don't think about all the daily things you do as we all have so much freedom, especially if your  children are at school.  I remember when the boys were really young and going to get a pint of milk was like a family outing that took forever.  I keep thinking maybe I can just go and get this or that and realise, no I can't, either the shop is shut or we are in lockdown and its not essential.  I even purchased some paint on Amazon the other day as we can't go out and I want to paint our bedroom. Don't worry I haven't gone all random, I had already got the match pot and chosen the colour.

I am really enjoying writing these, they seem to be the highlight of my day - is that sad?

I have started the book, as mentioned yesterday, as I don't have any work to do.  I am up to 760 words - I have a long way to go.  I have sort of worked out the plot, names, family members etc and found that its quite easy to write when you get your head in the zone.  But then I go back over it and take out, add etc.  This is not going to be easy by any stretch, but if I persevere I may come out of this difficult time with something to be proud of.

Like I said above I now don't have any work, other than checking emails.  I have started to write a list of all the jobs I want to get done inside and out and now seems like the best time to do them. Our houses are going to be like clean pins!  Do you like a list?  I am a little obsessed with them, but then I do work in admin, where a list is never far from my hand!

The one person that does appear to be enjoying this time is Teddy.  He is getting walks and cuddles.  Everyone is around, apart from Chris in the day as he is trying to drill the next lot of food in the ground.  He said he feels guilty for being out and about, but he is classed as a key worker.  If the next crop of food is not in the ground, what are we going to eat when everything has been eaten. I'm not sure if we are importing very much grain at the moment for our flours?  Its in these times you wish you had a garden full of fruit and vegetables.  Where we live the land is not suitable for growing very much other than arable crops, believe me we have tried.  I have grown potatoes in bags, its that bad.

So the youngest; the clown of the family has decided to try the toilet roll challenge.  Teddy decided he would get involved too and then Chris and Matthew.  As you can imagine the toilet roll now looks a little sorry for itself and think it will only be used in desperate times.

I think I may have broken my toe and it wasn't playing keepie-uppies with a toilet roll. Not looking where I am going and walked into a bell weight.

I think its in times like these that you realise how much we can amuse ourselves and that they don't have to be complicated expensive things.  Maybe this is one of the things we will take forward with us when we get out the other end.

Our Sourdough starter is still bubbling away and has been fed again today.  I do have some yeast so the first loaf of #lockdown bread is being proved as I type.

Well you all stay safe and well.... keep your distance!