Monday 23 March 2020

Day 1 - Strict Social Distancing

So its Day 1 and as you can see Teddy is ensuring he has plenty of room around him.  Poor thing really doesn't understand what is going on.

So today, we have got our Sour Dough Starter Brewing.  We live on a farm, so are now purchasing a small flour grinder so we can make our own bread. May seem a little extreme, but we feel it is necessary to keep our family fed and healthy.

Simon has started his online school studies.  Maths, Biology and Geography so far today.  It seems a bit of a novelty at the moment, but I am sure it will wear off when he hasn't seen his friends for a couple of weeks or so!  I can only admire our teachers for what they are doing in light of the situation.  They are keeping our children using their brains, whilst not piling too much pressure on them.

Matthew should be revising for his GCSE's that are obviously no longer happening.  He seemed quite angry at first as he has put so much work into these exams to be told they are not going ahead was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow, but he has now calmed down.  We are very lucky as we have plenty of room where we live with a home gym and plenty of fields to run and walk, so he has kept himself busy so far!

I work from home as a Freelance Administrator and as you can imagine I have gone from 30 hours a week to around 10.  Maybe when everyone gets into a routine of working from home or in a different manner things will get a little better.

I have to be totally honest I am not sure that what is happening has actually sunk in, although I am sure it will when I am being driven up the wall by our boys.

I have always worried about general things in life, but this situation and really started to make me anxious about life.  Can I feed my family and can we afford it. What if we have to isolate, who will deliver food to our parents.  I am sure many people are going through the same situation, but its this unknown, invisible virus that is seriously messing with our heads as well as making us ill.

So this is day one's thoughts and actions, I wonder how many days this will go on for.   I am taking bets now!!!

Until tomorrow...... keep distancing! 😜

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