Saturday 28 March 2020

Day 6 - Lockdown

So here we are at Day 6.

As its Saturday and that usually means different to 5 other days in the week, I wanted to have a lay-in.  Unfortunately somebody else had other ideas - I suppose he has gone to work!

I hope all you parents with young children have been getting on ok with your kids learning at home and anyone that has been going to work has been keeping themselves safe and well.  Its weird how obsessed about cleaning your hands you can get.  Ours are getting quite sore from all the washing, so really need to invest in some good hand cream.  I think another look on Amazon will be happening again today.

I have had a very productive morning.  Teaching myself new IT skills has been on my agenda for some time.  I didn't realise how much you can teach yourself, helped along with the odd google to check on things.  I am really proud of myself as I didn't think I would be able to tackle it quite so easily.

The boys have each had a haircut.  They both look like they are 10 again.  Simon wanted a grade 5 and Matthew stuck to the biggest one we had - grade 8.  It comes in handy having a husband without much hair - he usually trims it himself with the clippers.  If they let me I will put a picture up here another day.

So todays ingredient is..... Chocolate, very dark Chocolate.  It's usually a staple in our cupboard due to the amount of home baking we do.  So its got to be Brownies.  Not sure if many of you know that I used to run the Dotty Bakers.  This is one of the baking jars we used to sell. This isn't the exact same recipe but it very much like it. Chocolate Brownies from Hummingbird Bakery.  I have their recipe book and have to say it is great - blondies are good too! They freeze really well too, so don't worry about making too many. Image from a website.

We are not sure if our sourdough starter has worked.  A bit disappointed as it hasn't doubled in size like it said it should.  I think we put it in direct sun light which may have killed it.  We are not going to give up though - our wheat grinder has now turned up and I am determined to be able to feed ourselves from it.

There is obviously a lot of news about the situation we all find ourselves in and I would hope that people have started to take note of how serious this is.  It appears that not everyone has been listening to the news, which can be rather hyped up admittedly, but the fact is, we are living in a pandemic so we all need to take note and take precautions and that means only going out for necessities.  One of my fiends who works in a shop, got asked yesterday if they had any hot tubs in.  She felt like telling them what she really thought, but in order to keep her job was pleasant back.  They then asked when they might be getting them in!  Some people really need to start realising this is not a holiday.

I am going to make a roast for tea tonight, really feel like some comfort food.  We usually have a homemade curry on a Saturday night, but I haven't been able to get any coconut milk in my shopping for a couple of weeks now, so I have had to resort to Amazon again for some.  Also as we don't know what day it is at the moment, it really doesn't matter if our roast is on a Sunday or a Thursday does it. Have you all started changing what you usually eat?  Are you eating a main meal in the day instead of the evening?  

I have started to calm down and don't feel so anxious.  I know we are all tucked up here until its shopping day again.  We have enough food and plenty of things to be getting on with.  Chris is still working hard getting the crops in the ground.  As the weather was so wet he hadn't really been about to do much since before Christmas.  It did come in handy as he has been decorating the house.

The photo above is of The Grand Canyon - it was really snowy when we were there.  There had been a large snow fall the day before so the roads were quite tricky.  Its an amazing place to go.  We were quite disappointed by the fact the whilst we were in the US the Government had closed down all the tourist information sites as they didn't have any money to pay their staff.  On the one had we got in to see everything for free and on the other there was very little information on what we were looking at.  

So fairly, short and sweet today.

Have a lovely rest of Saturday and until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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