Friday 3 April 2020

Day 12 - Lockdown

So here we are on Day 12 and its a Friday - Yay the weekend!  It doesn't feel the same does it?  Its a very odd feeling, knowing that each day doesn't really change what you do if you aren't working.

I had another lovely surprise delivery today.  A lovely friend who lives North of the country sent me a couple of tins of coconut milk so we can keep making our favourite curries.  How kind is that - Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.

We did the dreaded shopping run this morning and it was as dreadful as expected.  Chris came with me today as I got a little stressed last week.  We did the click and collect and quite a few items were missing, as well as being unable to get standard items when looking on the website.  I thought that the supermarkets had plenty of stock.  So we ended up going into a local village, to the butchers, fruit and Veg stall and two co-ops.  I think people thought we were a little crazy as we walked about with our lovely blue gloves and masks.  At least we felt safer that way and that's the main thing.  So we now have some food for the next week and so do both sets of parents.

So todays ingredient is..... Macaroni.  Don't we all love a creamy Macaroni Cheese.  So the one I usually use is Tesco Macaroni Cheese.  I also use full fat milk and sometimes add cooked cauliflower,  cooked bacon or Chorizo, just for variety.  We also tend to bake a couple of part bake bread sticks with it.  I have growing lads in the house. Don't I know it, I am the shortest apart from Teddy and Pippa.  Image from Tesco website.

Talking of Pippa, not sure if you know we also have another member of our family who happens to be a tortoise. She is nearly 5 years old and lives in her special tortoise table.  She treats her water bowl like a sand pit.  She eats dandelion leaves - she is extremely cheap to keep, although she is under a light all day too.

We have been for our daily walk again and Teddy is absolutely loving it.  I think he has a bit of a cold, so not going too far.  His nose is running and has been sneezing quite a lot.  Apart from that he is still the nutty dog he always has been.  Bless him!

Sounds like the weather here is going to be lovely over the weekend, so it will be nice to get out in the garden with the mower. We also have loads of jobs to do, so I don't think we will be bored.

So do you know where the top photo was taken?

Well you all have a great weekend and until tomorrow.....keep distancing!!

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