Monday 27 April 2020

Day 36 - Lockdown

Day 36 here and its a Monday!

Here is my favourite tree of the moment.  View from our bedroom window - couldn't resist it this morning.  I am always looking for photo's to post on here for you.  That naughty Woodpecker got away again today - I will get it, don't you worry.

Had an extremely busy day today, not sure which way to turn, but that's a really good thing in the current climate.  Its not always going to be the case I'm sure.

Wish me luck as I am going to try and trim the ends of my hair tonight as they are getting a bit knotty and my fringe needs another whiz over too.  I hope I don't have too many zoom meetings ahead - maybe have to wear a scarf if it goes really wrong.  I already look rather grey so maybe a scarf will be a good thing.

We had a roast for tea tonight and it was delicious.  I roasted a Turkey breast, with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and roast vegetables, with lots of gravy.  Comment from the youngest was, 'Its Not Sunday'!  The other said 'It don't matter what day it is as they are all the same'!  They do make me laugh.  

I am a little late writing this again tonight as took Teddy for his long walk and did our bit of exercise. He decided a deer was up for being chased.  He is such a Wally as I don't know what he would do if it stopped and turned around to look at him.  He is currently sleeping now.  He managed to break another one of my plastic mushrooms from the garden.  He doesn't like us having anything in the garden, he just digs them all up - all his pocket money has now gone for this week.

So recipe is back.  Rather than pick an ingredient I am going to share some recipes each day that we make here.   Sorry if repeat any, but its day 36 and I can't remember all I did yesterday, so may have forgetten I have told you about it already.  The first one has to be Morroccan Meatballs. I have to be honest they do take a little while to make, but it is definitely worth it.  For the sauce I actually use passatta and tinned tomatoes.  We then have it with some couscous, natural yogurt and toasted pitta breads cut into strips.

Hope you have all had a great Monday and please all stay safe and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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