Tuesday 28 April 2020

Day 37 - Lockdown

Day 37 of a wet lockdown.

Guess who I caught on the bird feeder today? I caught him from my office window and was really chuffed.  I feel it was worth the wait.

Had another busy day, but felt a little more organised, so thats good.

It has been damp and overcast here since we got up this morning, but something I hadn't thought about but a friend said to me today was about the smell outside.  Its weird how the air changes when its rained.  Teddy was a little monkey first thing this morning wanting to sniff absolutely everything - maybe new smells came out to say hello because it has rained - who knows we are talking about Teddy here!  We have just got back from our daily exercise with him in the rain.  He really doesn't care if its pouring of rain.  

Had to order Teddy some more Whimzees, dry food and little treats today as he has used them up in lockdown.  He probably has enough food for a week or two, but I don't want to find we can't get any and he likes his particular brand.  Do any of your dogs watch TV?  Teddy loves watching dogs and any animals on there.  I will have to get a picture for you as he is hilarious - he talks to them and then goes around the back to see where they are.

I feel a little smug with myself this week as my new copy of BBC Good Food magazine has turned up.  I signed up for 6 months a little while before the lockdown and really pleased that I did.  It has some lovely recipes in it.  It will keep us busy for a little while anyway.  I also managed to get a Tesco food collection for this week, so we don't have deal with the idiots walking around the store this week and we can do the carers clap.  When we were in Tesco last week they didn't do it - I think thats awful.  They did it the week before.

So todays recipe is Sticky Ginger Chicken from Fay Ripleys Family Food recipe book.  I couldn't find the recipe online so I have published it here on my blog.  The link above will take you there or you can take a look quite easily in my blog list.  Tracy my sister-in-law made this for us when we went away with them for a weekend a few years ago and we really liked it and thats how I came to buy this recipe book.  Also in the recipe is baked broccoli - I don't cook broccoli any other way these days.  Cooking it this way makes it lovely and crispy, but I don't usually put the coriander on it when making it to go with other dinners, I just put oil and seasoning on it.  I have also added another recipe to the blog - Baked Cheesecake that I have been asked for a few times.  I can't find it electronically so added it here for you.  I will start to add recipes I can't find anywhere else for you, if thats ok.

Matthew made us some Honey Sweetened Breakfast Muffins today, so looking forward to breakfast tomorrow.  Its the one meal I really don't know what to eat.  It usually ends up being nothing or a slice of toast, which gets really boring, so I am pleased he made these - I was going to make them but just haven't had the time.  What do you eat for breakfast as would love some ideas.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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