Monday 13 April 2020

Day 22 - Lockdown Bank Holiday Easter Monday

Day 22 is here and we are still in Lockdown.  It only dawned on me this morning that as yesterday was day 21 of my blog, that I have been writing it for 3 weeks, which is quite amazing really, well it is for me.

Its so nice to receive messages on various platforms from friends and family along the way.  It has really kept me going and makes me realise even more that we are not the only ones going through this too and there a quite a number of people alot worse off than we are.  We are very grateful for what we have.

So last night saw us playing The Logo game.  We do love playing a game in this family.  As usual in any family there is always one that has to win, maybe not at all costs, but its very clear they want to be the winner.  I wonder who that is??  I am the most uncompetitive person when it comes to games as I just don't have that drive to have to win - I like the taking part a lot more.

Today started off well, with us having a slight lie in and having some breakfast.  We then put the upstairs lounge back together after Chris's great bit of decorating.  I try to keep out the way these days as I don't do things just right!  We then decided to tackle our bedroom, I was not so keen as it meant sorting through loads of stuff that has been there since we had the loft conversion nearly 10 years ago.  As you can imagine we have accumulated quite a lot and absolutely loads of dust.  So we attempt to move the bed and I thought I was being helpful and ended up pulling the side away from the headboard.  I didn't realise my own strength.  So Mr Fix-it had to see if he could repair it or we are going to have to order a new bed.  Firstly we don't want the expense at the moment and secondly how long would that take?  I am pleased to report that Mr Fix-it has repaired it, well we hope he has, only time will tell.  I also managed to get a hole in his dust sheet, which he was not too pleased with.  As you can tell its best I keep out of the way.

I went outside with Matthew and did some more path edging.  I know there is a snazzy little tool for edging the lawn, but we don't have one, so Matthew and I have been on our hands and knees with some scissors and shears.  If you know what our garden looks like you will realise how ridiculous we must look clipping the edges with scissors.  I do wonder if the lockdown may have finished by the time we get done.  Its blooming back breaking also and doesn't help when our hinderance (Ant Boy) comes to steal things and we have to chase him around the garden.

Teddy and I have been on our daily exercise, but a smaller walk today for us.  The wind was really cold today that was for sure.  I didn't wear nearly enough layers so decided a short walk was in order. Not sure that 'Ant Boy' was very impressed though.  Image above shows him relaxing - he was shattered this afternoon.

As the weather has been so lovely I decided I need to paint my toes.  So I got out my gel nails kit and now I have some lovely pink toes.  They certainly put a smile on my face.  I am so pleased that I invested in this kit a while ago.  

So how am I feeling on Day 22.  Well to be honest I am not really sure.  I don't feel anxious as previously and the butterflies have gone in my tummy.  I can't say I feel particularly positive either, but I am trying to think positively.  Is it weird to actually feel comfortable at home and enjoying spending time with my family?  I have always been a bit of shy home-bird so I wonder if thats why I feel comfortable, who knows.  I think getting some jobs done at home has made me feel like we are getting somewhere and happy about that, but when we run out of jobs I wonder if I will feel the same.  The jobs list is still fairly long so it will take some time.  

I have watched the daily update and news today and saw that Italy has started to open a few shops, but their lockdown has now been extended for another 3 weeks.  We are behind them, so I can't see our lockdown being lifted for at least another month.  I do feel very sorry for all the businesses that are struggling with the obvious lack of tourism as well as other businesses that struggling.  I do wonder what the world and closer to home will look like after we have got over this nasty, nasty pandemic.

As you know Matthew's exams have been cancelled, so the school and the Exam board will now make a decision on what results he will get.  He did some tests the day that they finished and he has been given an indication of at least one of the results, which was very positive for him, so fingers crossed that he will not be penalised for something that isn't his fault.  We are now a little concerned for Simon as he will be taking his GCSE's this time next year. At least all the children will be in the same boat.

So I am now off for a glass of Bank Holiday Monday Vino, so until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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