Wednesday 29 April 2020

Day 38 - Lockdown

Day 38 and middle of the working week.  I am not sure where the week has gone, is seems to have flown by.

Had another busy day and still haven't cleared the decks, but it will wait until tomorrow I'm sure.

I have a 10 questions for a quiz on Saturday to put together on a powerpoint presentation, so I ought to get that started tonight, although I do have another couple of evenings to do it.

I thought I would share with you tonight one of the different painted stones that we see each evening on our walk around.  We don't know who paints and leaves them, but they change places most days and new ones keep appearing.  Thank you who is doing this -  its keeping us amused.

I do worry that most of my posts are about food, but to be honest at the moment, there isn't really a lot more to talk about is there.  Tonight Matthew made our tea.  Bless his heart, he saw a recipe for this Coronation Chicken Pie in the new BBC Good Food Magazine and wanted to make it.  We didn't have the correct pastry so he made some shortcrust.  He is much better at making pastry than I am, so I will leave that job to him in the future.  It was delicious, apart from the raisins.  I cannot stand raisins in savoury food, but I had to allow it due to the rest of the family liking it, so I picked them out. Here is the recipe if you want it - Recipe here!
I hope you enjoyed the recipes that I posted yesterday and they come in useful.

I have another zoom meeting tomorrow, so that means the make-up has to come out and I actually have to brush my hair!  My hair cut went ok by the way.  My fringe looks a little wonky, but you wouldn't even know I trimmed the ends, although my brush goes through it much better.  I feel sorry for hairdressers when they eventually go back to work as there must be so many bad hair days going on now and we aren't even at the end of it.

Congratulations Boris and Carrie - Fabulous news that your little boy has been born today.  Hope all is well and you are home soon.

My little friend the woodpecker was back again today until Teddy came charging around the corner with a (car cleaning) sponge he stole from the shed!  

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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