Monday 6 April 2020

Day 15 - Lockdown

Day 15 of this lockdown.  Its been a fairly warm but overcast day here today.  

As you can see we have been on our walk again today and look who we saw.  There were 3 but 1 split off in a different direction whilst these 2 stayed together.  Matthew has been going for a run most days and said he often sees a group of around 8 most days.  They are just so bouncy, makes me feel tired just watching them.

I had a few bits of work come in this morning, so its felt good to have something to do and more structured.

Whilst I was walking Teddy today I thought about this situation again and just how surreal it actually feels.  Even though we are 2 weeks into this lockdown it still doesn't feel like its happening, even though we all know it is.  We are extremely lucky that we live in the middle of nowhere and don't fully comprehend how people living in towns are coping with the situation.  This is where the pros and cons for everywhere we all live come in.  I always think living close to everything would be great, but now this has happened I am beginning to feel a little different.  

So 'Ant Boy' still hasn't gone back to the nest he upset thank goodness, although I am sure he will find another one to annoy.  He loves watching the birds in the garden and the horses that live over the meadow.  They used to come and see him on his walk but I think that 'horse has bolted' as he used to try and nip their noses!

So todays ingredient is....Sliced Pepperoni.  Now we love a good pizza which I tend to make often using plain naan breads so I don't have to faff around with the base, but I have found this easy recipe from Lisa Faulkner. Its called Quick Cheats Pizza and its on the BBC website. Image from their website.  We would probably have pepperoni, pineapple and Ham on the top.  Now there seems to be a thing about pineapple on pizzas.  Does pineapple have a place on a pizza or not?  Now I think it does and feel it gives the pizza a different dimension.  When we go out I tend to order Fiorentina which has an egg on it - everyone else in the family thinks I am crazy!  We are all different aren't we or we would all be eating and wearing exactly the same thing.

I was a little shocked to hear that Boris Johnson had been taken into hospital yesterday evening and  would wish him and anybody else a very speedy recovery from this nasty vicious disease that is causing our lives to be turned upside down.  I am not into politics at all, it really isn't my thing, but I personally think our government have been doing as good a job as possible at this very difficult time.  

So until tomorrow....keep you distance!

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