Wednesday 15 April 2020

Day 24 - Lockdown

Day 24 of this lockdown.  We are nearing the 4 week mark, can't quite believe it.

A bit of a late one today as been really busy and feel really tired.  This is the view from our 'finished' bedroom tonight.  It looks amazing even if I do say so myself.

So yes been a very busy day. I have worked most of the day.  I have been really surprised by how busy it has been.  I have been learning a few new skills along the way by updating a website, that I haven't really done before on this platform. Its really interesting and have been enjoying coming up with new designs along the way. 

I had another bad nights sleep last night. I remember looking at the clock at around 2:30am and then got up around 8am, had a little lie in. I am hoping for a better night tonight.  I just couldn't stop my brain from whirring around.  It drove me mad.  I don't think it was really anything to do with this situation, I just couldn't shut my brain off.

Chris started to put our bedroom back together, but I have loads of sorting out to do with all my crap and just couldn't bring myself to sort it out tonight, so I left it in boxes to sort out tomorrow - hopefully.  At least we will be able to sleep back in our bed tonight and hopefully get a good nights sleep and find some clothes as I have been wearing the same trousers for a few days now!

Is it me or does it feel as though people are going to come out of this fitter than when they started?  It seems many more people are going out for walks/runs/cycles and taking part in fitness at home.  Maybe they were going to the gym before and that why it seems that way now.

We went for our family walk this evening and as you can see Simon got dressed up for the occasion.  He makes us laugh.  We don't see him all day and then he appears occasionally for food, water and walks.  Oh and the odd game of ping pong and fitness.

Ingredient will be back tomorrow as I haven't had time to look at anything for you tonight, I was thinking of what we had for tea.  Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff. Will put this together for you tomorrow.

Hope you all have a good nights sleep and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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