Saturday 11 April 2020

Day 20 - Lockdown

Day 20 - has to be best day's weather of the year. It was just amazing.

I haven't been anywhere to put a great photo up here, so thought I would show you one of the brownies with white chocolate eggs that Matthew made a few days ago.

We have had a busy day though.  I have been tidying up the path edges and managed to pressure wash the entire patio and some of the paths.  It does look really good now, but I looked like I had been in a mud bath afterwards.  So pleased with the result though.  The boys have also been helping me with the path edging.

Chris has been painting one of the rooms upstairs that we use as another lounge, which in todays heat is quite astonishing, although he did have the double doors and windows open.  

I think I maybe a little red tonight, even though I was wearing factor 50. Teddy has been charging around like a loonie as usual, but has really enjoyed wondering around the garden doing what he does best - barking at nothing!  He had a little play in the hose pipe earlier and managed to get soaked, but loved it.  He makes us laugh so much.  I have a lovely scratch down the back of my leg due to his exuberance.

We decided to have homemade beef burgers in brioche buns for tea.  Served with potato wedges and beer battered onion rings. I have to say it was delicious and I am extremely full now.

Tomorrow as you know if Easter Sunday, we will get up and have the traditional boiled eggs and soldiers.  We have a shoulder of Lamb for Chris and the boys and I have sausages for a late lunch.  I don't like Lamb, don't even like the smell of it cooking, but I thought I would let them have some as this situation makes you think about things a little differently.  Its not fair to make them eat only what I will when there are other foods they like.  They had some fresh Cod for their tea last night - I don't like fish, but they cooked it so I don't mind.  Although the house still smells of fish today - yuk!!

As you know we are having this long weekend off my ingredient/recipe.  I am making a baked cheesecake tomorrow, so I will hopefully be able to share a picture with you in tomorrows blog.  I love this recipe so much and hope it works out ok - famous last words hey!

I look at Facebook fairly regularly and today noticed a friends post on there which made my blood boil like it did theirs.  They heard their neighbour in their back garden, chatting to a mate who had popped over for a beer.  What hell do they think they are doing.  Does this lockdown not apply to them?  Please just stay in your own home and only go out when necessary.  The Country isn't asking a lot of you, please follow the rules.

So you all enjoy the rest of your Easter Saturday and...

Until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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