Wednesday 8 April 2020

Day 17 - Lockdown

Day 17 of the lockdown.

As you can see its been a very busy day for our furry friend, Teddy.  He has had one of those days today where he was tired one minute and barking at nothing the next.  I think this lockdown has also been play havoc with his fur!!

So how are you all feeling after being in this situation for this long?  I feel ok and not as anxious as I was as we are getting into some sort of routine.  That seems to consist of Chris getting up early after the alarm goes off at 6:30am and then I just doss around reading for an hour or so - yippee for me!!  Then just potter around either doing some work, baking bread for lunch or doing general household jobs.

It was nice to hear Rishi Sunak on the news tonight helping out with some of the Charities.  I know how valuable these can be first hand.  My mum got her wish to not pass away in hospital - we got her into a Sue Ryder Hospice the day before.  They were just amazing in the time we were there, which wasn't very long and can understand how much we all come to depend on these types of places.

As we get older it does make you think about the past and one thing I remember is my mum's 50th Birthday Party.  What makes me think of that is that I am only 2 1/2 years away from that age.  I can't quite believe that I am that close to being that old.  There are days when I feel much older, but others I still feel in my mid twenties.

So todays ingredient is.... Apricots.  So todays recipe is Fruity Flapjacks selected from Tesco's. Image from Tesco website.  I will be honest I am not great at making Flapjacks, they come out either too soft and fall apart or too hard you nearly break your teeth.   I have made this one and it actually worked out ok.

I also like making an Apricot baked cheesecake, which is just amazing.  Talking of baked cheesecakes - you have to try Jo Wheatley version.  I have made it loads of times and it has never failed. You have to read the recipe properly though and it is still slightly wobbly when you take it out of the oven. You must try it!!!!

So Poor Boris is still in intensive care tonight - wishing you a speedy recovery as well as all the other people that are ill with this nasty evil disease.  It doesn't sound like we will be out of lockdown next week and to be honest I really didn't expect it.  I think it could be at least another month before we can move around more freely and then we will probably be back in lockdown again a while afterwards.

I hope you are all staying safe and well and listening to what you are being told in your local area.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!!

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