Thursday 9 April 2020

Day 18 - Lockdown

Day 18 - my goodness these days are passing quickly, or is it me thinking that!

This was the picture on our walk this evening at around 7:15pm.  It seemed a bit lighter than this, but the view as you can see was clear.  Its been a beautiful day with lots of sun.  I even managed to get some washing out and dry, which is lovely as they won't need ironing so much!  I was informed today that as nobody was actually going to see us none of our clothes need ironing! What a very nice thought, but I just can't allow myself to do that.

Had a busy day working and learning lots of new things which has made me happy as I don't like being unproductive.  Its difficult going from being busy and charging around to doing nothing.  I worry that when I do get even busier I will struggle to cope with it.

So its Good Friday tomorrow and we have the pleasure of going to do our shopping.  I can't wait!!!!  I have placed our order and expect to find nothing available again.  I find it hard to believe that the shops are back to normal as you still can't get any pasta, tinned tomatoes and general every day things.  I am trying to buy not just for us but for 2 other families which is crazy.  But everyone else is in the same boat, so I need to just shut up.

Todays ingredient is..... I am not going to give you one today.  So for tea we had sweet and sour chicken.  I had some chicken I got out of the freezer and had absolutely no idea what we were going to eat.  I had a pepper, some carrots, some left over pineapple and the chicken.  I looked around in the cupboard and found I had some Rice Vinegar and soy etc so just made up a sweet and sour sauce so made it.  Had some dried noodles and added them to it.  I have to say it was delicious and the family thought so too.

We went out and clapped for all the key workers to thank them for all they are doing for all of us.  It doesn't matter how big or small a job they are doing, we appreciate them all the same. THANK YOU!

I hear Boris is out of Intensive Care tonight - we wish you a very speedy recovery as well as all the other patients going through absolute hell in hospital.

Happy Easter one and all!

Until tomorrow..... keep your distance!!

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