Saturday 25 April 2020

Day 34 - Lockdown

So here we are on Day 34.

I am absolutely shattered.  We have been painting the fence all day (both sides) and we still haven't quite finished.  Here is the before picture and I will post the after picture tomorrow, when we have completed it.  I think we only have a couple more hours work left.  Its been looking a bit rough for a while and I pressure washed it last weekend ready for the painting.

Whilst we were doing the painting I asked the boys to put the washing out  - below is a picture of how it was pegged (Chris got in the shot).  It really made us laugh.  It was just about dry when we got it in.  Me thinks they need a little lesson in this - maybe get them to do more tomorrow. At least they did it which I am really grateful for.  Didn't think it would be a good idea to try and put it out with green paint on my fingers.

So we had a really easy tea tonight as I just didn't have the energy to do a BBQ, which we were planning.  The BBQ will have to wait until tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it.

I think the TV programs are getting worse.  Why have they decided to put on a re-run of Ninga Warrior 2019?  Its crazy - surely there have been programs made before lockdown that they can put on.  Saturday TV has been getting worse for a while but it is definitely hit rock bottom now.  I think I may need to get my book out or do something creative on my laptop.  Oh there are the re-runs of Gavin & Stacey - loved it the first time!

Matthew has made us a Bakewell tart today, but we couldn't get any Cherries anywhere, so its just got  icing on the top.  Looking forward to eating this a little later.

I do worry that we may run out of jobs to do if this goes on for much longer.  Its good to get things done as we are't normally around at the weekends, but the longer it goes on, the more jobs we complete and the less there are to do.  We have managed to get some match pots for our lounge and have decided on the colours we want, so I may have to order some paint to get this job done too.   I know its not a necessity as such, but its good for our mental health, to get things done that need doing and we need to keep active.

Teddy managed to end up with green paint all over this back, so had to have a quick wash down and comb.  I am sure he still has some in his beard.  He kept putting his head through the bars of the fence to see what we were doing.  The boys were playing with a mini rugby ball today and Teddy was in the middle.  He kept running over to the bird bath for a drink in-between.  Funny boy!

So until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

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