Tuesday 7 April 2020

Day 16 - Lockdown

Day 16 of Lockdown.

So today has been another beautiful one, although the wind has been quite chilly.

Had a fairly busy day working, which has been great and made me smile again!  Then took Teddy on his usual walk and my daily exercise.  He seems to have a thing about eating wheat at the moment which is quite annoying.

Thought I would share this image with you.  Please ignore my battered tin - don't you think they are usually the best!  Made these beauties at weekend and ended up with some antennas.  I thought it looked really cute!  As usual the boys thought I was mad taking a picture of them - they really don't understand do they.  Little things and little minds (I am talking about myself here) :-)

So boys have been playing xbox as usual, then decided to play some table tennis.  Teddy has to be indoors when they play as he steals their ball - we only have one left now.  The last time I saw them they were in the home gym.  What a life they lead - what lockdown?

So todays ingredient is... Pork Sausages.  So the recipe we like is Sausage Jambalaya, another one from Tesco.  The image here is from their website.   The good thing about this recipe is that there isn't all that many ingredients and if you don't have cajun seasoning just add some chilli or cayenne pepper.  You can make the seasoning up but it takes a few ingredients.

The other simple dish we like with sausages is bangers and mash with a homemade onion gravy. Yummy!

Poor Boris is now in intensive care, like many other people.  We wish them all a very speedy and full recovery.  This is very scary isn't it.

Teddy decided he needed to have lots of rest on the treadmill today - he had only been at work for 3 hours!  He doesn't know he's born that little bundle of fur.  We love him all the same though.

Like many others I am not able to go to the hairdressers.  The grey has started to come through big time - I do wonder if I will have to change the colour of my hair when we are released.  Do you think it will be before Christmas?

Another short and sweet one!

So until tomorrow....keep distancing!

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