Thursday 16 April 2020

Day 25 - Lockdown

So here we are again and it is now Day 25.

I have some good news to report....
Had a really good nights sleep last night and feel so much better for it - had a bit of a smile on my face today!
We managed to go to the Supermarket tonight and get all of our families shopping for the next week - yipppeee.  

As there is usually bad news after good just thought I would share with you my thoughts on the news today that we are in lockdown for another 3 weeks.  I have to say I didn't expect anything different, but now we have been told thats the way it is, it makes me feel a little anxious again, but I am feeling much cooler about the situation with shopping etc.  I hope everyone doesn't go crazy again with stocking up on food.

When we were shopping tonight I have to say I cannot believe the way that people act.  We had our masks and gloves on and few other people did also.  There were others just wondering around willy nilly, not sticking to the correct route at all and with only a couple of things in their basket.  Is it me or were we only meant to go shopping once a week or for emergency items.  Put it this way we got rather frustrated with said people.  We kept our distance also, but even the staff weren't.  The notes say look after our staff - well the staff ought to be looking where they are going and not wondering around.  Rant over!!

 Last night I said I would share my recipe for Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff, so here it is.  Excuse the state of our slow cooker.  It was my mum and dads and the handle is a little broken, but it works which is the main thing.  This is a very simple recipe, but really tasty and great for when you have worked all day.

We did our clap for the Carers this evening in Tesco, which was really nice.  I was surprised at the amount of people that didn't even stop what they were doing and clap.  Maybe they are one of those people we are clapping, who knows.

So until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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