Thursday 23 April 2020

Day 32 - Lockdown

Day 32 of Lockdown.

As you can see our Cook Food Pie arrived tonight and we had it with mashed potato and vegetables.  It was delicious and looking forward to all the other things we have ordered. I will keep you updated on them.  It may look small, but it was certainly big enough for us 4.

So another busy day at work, which keeps me very occupied.

Had another bad nights sleep last night, so hoping for a better one tonight, surely it can't get any worse.

So when I try to think about what I will write in my blogs I sometimes think it may be a good idea to write about the past and then think 'who will want to read about that', but to be honest there really isn't much going on at the moment, so you are either going to have to stop reading now or just read it.  

I have two brothers - one is 2 1/2 years older than me (50 this year) and the other is 6 1/2 years younger (I reckon he was an accident 😜).  They have both always been into sport, mainly football. Me being the middle child and a girl really didn't help me.  They both played football at the weekends and I hated it.  I often went to stay with my Nanny Joyce (My Mums Mum), we used to watch a lot of films, especially Horror Films.  I used to absolutely love them, but now I can't stand to watch them.  She used to live in a really old cottage that had creaky floor boards and not really any heating. The bathroom was downstairs.  She used to keep tropical fish and really liked listening to Glen Miller music.  Over a dirt road from her used to live Aunty Mary (I think she was Nan Joyce's Mums, sister) - we used to sometimes pop over there to see her.  Something that really sticks in my mind is that they had one of those really old wood burners that heated the house and was their cooker.  She had one of those old irons that you put on the burner to heat up before using to iron the clothes.  It makes me sound as if I am 70 years old - I'm not honestly.  It must have been quite a while ago as Nan Joyce died when I was around 11 years old.  Its amazing some of the detail that I can actually remember.  Unfortunately Nan died quite young, I think she was around 58 years old and Grandad Harold  (Mums Dad) who I I don't remember as he died when I was only a couple of weeks old.  He was only in his late 40's - he took their dog for a walk and never came home.  Sorry for making it a sad story, that wasn't meant to happen.  I now need to make you laugh, so here goes - you remember how I was telling you about my Mum who used to do mad things, well I just told you about how my brothers used to play football and Mum was a very avid supporter, even when they were old enough drive themselves there.  When I say avid supporter I the mean the very noisy small woman standing on the sideline swearing at the referee.  One week she took it a little too far, so the referee, came running off the pitch and gave her a yellow card. He asked her name and Mum being Mum, she told him her name was "George Best" - he obviously believed her - not!! Eventually somebody told the ref her name.  She got a fine for it.  Do you think that taught her a lesson - of course it didn't!!! She was just as bad when she had her Ipswich Town Season Ticket, she just wasn't close enough the the ref!

I think you have had enough of memory lane now!  So we have been and done the shopping again tonight.  What do you think happened tonight???   Well there were still a few idiots around and Chris had a rather strong word with one that decided he would get about 2 feet away with him. Then going further around the supermarket we noticed sugar all over the floor everywhere we went.  We finally got to the last aisle looking at the booze and Chris said there is something on my shoe.  He had a pile of sugar on the top - he had been walking around with sugar going everywhere. We found the naughty bag of sugar and it was nearly empty.  We are really sorry Tesco! We were nearly in tears as Chris took his shoe off to empty it of sugar. We must have looked a right sight, with our gloves, masks and bent over laughing. 

So that's my news for today, so until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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