Monday 20 April 2020

Day 29 - Lockdown

Day 29 is here. So we are officially now over 4 weeks.

I keep trying to get some nice photographs to share with you each day - sorry they happen to be 'Ant Boy' quite often.  This is tonight whilst waiting for Mr Fix-it to lock up the farm sheds.  He was watching him!
I have been trying to capture our local woodpecker that has decided to come and visit our new bird feeding station.  I will keep trying and hopefully be able to share it with you before long.

Had a busy day at work doing this and that, not really stopped, not really sure we achieved all that much, but at least Monday is now over!

Matthew took Teddy for a good 3 mile walk today - he has slept for quite a while since, but was obviously up for a very small walk to lock the sheds up.  Matthew also got some more test result indications that he took the last day of school.  They sound really promising - he has worked so hard and it has obviously paid off.

So tonight we are looking forward to the final of University Challenge.  I don't have a clue what half the questions mean let alone the answers, but it has been quite amusing this year as they seem to have some strong personalities that have got to the final.  You have to watch it.  I am swatting up for our Zoom quiz on Wednesday and hope some of the questions on tonights quiz are asked on Wednesday!

We had homemade pizza for tea.  I had some pineapple, yes pineapple and pepperoni for the toppings.  I made the tomato sauce out of a mixture of things, like sun-dried tomatoes, tomato puree, salt, pepper and mixed herbs and I put a couple of teaspoons of tomato and chilli chutney in there.  I love mixing things like that together.  They were really filling.  Now looking forward to a slice of Lemon Meringue that Matthew made yesterday.  I told the boys tonight that I want them each to make a meal a week, to save me from cooking every night.  We did hear from our neighbours that the fish and chip shop in the next village takes orders for collection a few evenings a week, so that may be on the cards soon.  We don't have many take aways, possibly a couple a month, so I don't really feel like I am missing them.

I have not been sleeping too great and hope tonight I can actually get to sleep.  It was around 2am again last night/this morning, although the alarm didn't go off until 8am this morning, which was good as I was shattered.  I think this is the 3rd night in a row, so really need a good sleep tonight.  My brain just will not shut up snd its beginning to annoy me.  I think that maybe I am feeling more anxious than I am letting on to my self.  Fingers crossed for a good night.  It doesn't help that a certain somebody wakes up startled most nights - a couple of nights ago he wanted to know where our cat was.  We don't have a cat!  He often wakes up thinking there are spiders around or Teddy is running around under the bed.

So thats my news for today, not very exciting is it, but thats life in lockdown.

You all take care and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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