Sunday 12 April 2020

Day 21 - Lockdown (Easter Sunday)

Day 21 - Easter Sunday in Lockdown.

Happy Easter Sunday everyone.  A little different to the normal for us as well as many others I am sure.  We have to make the most of the situation rather than stew on it.  So we have tried to make the most of today.

I remember last year Matthew was playing football on Easter Sunday so it is very different.  Has actually been nice knowing we were going to be here all day.

We started with Boiled Eggs and Soldiers for breakfast as you can see from the first image.  Table laid and ready for the eggs to arrive, as well as children to get up!  I think Simon's was more like a hard boiled egg by the time he turned up to eat with us!

We then went for a 2 1/2 mile walk around the fields and then back through the neighbouring village which was lovely.  The locals were very friendly by calling over to us 'Good Morning' which was really nice as we don't often walk that way.  We did meet an awful lot of other people doing the same, which can be a but awkward with the social distancing thing - we ended up in the field.

We then put the Lamb in to roast, I wore a peg on my nose!  Only joking, but I still don't like the smell of lamb roasting.  I had sausages as you can see from my roast dinner.  The Yorkshires were amazing - one of my favourite parts of a roast dinner.  I didn't eat much when I was a child - Jam Sandwiches, Tomato Soup and my roast dinner consisted of Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, chicken and Gravy.  I do now eat a lot more that this.

I have also made the baked cheesecake which I left in the fridge and ready for us to eat at tea time. I also baked some Pineapple and Carrot Muffins which I have been making since the boys were toddlers.  We all love them and are great for breakfast instead of toast.   Matthew made some Flapjack.

Heard the good news that Boris has left hospital.  I am hoping that many other people have also left hospital to go back home to recuperate fully.  This disease is just so nasty and it doesn't care who it attacks.  Please take notice of what we are being told and only go out when you have to and not round your mates for a beer.

Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow - can't wait for another day off!  I think we will do a little more in the garden tomorrow. I want to finish off the edging of the paths as I have only done a little of them as it takes ages.  The car ports need sweeping out as there are loads leaves in there and few other bits need doing.  I don't think we will run out of jobs to do for a little while.

Chris has finished off the upstairs lounge room - so I am looking forward to putting that back together with lots of new bits and bobs. 

I had to order a new bird feeding station today as ours has gone rotten and I know this is not essential but the birds do need feeding.  We see so many birds on our feeder each day, we really can't let them down.  We also have a tiny bird box on our car port that has baby birds in, so they also need feeding.  We try to do our bit for all the local wild life.

We have had a bit of a downpour this evening with thunder, lightening and hail stones.  The fields could do with a bit of rain at the moment to get them growing and taking in the fertiliser that Chris has spread.  We noticed today on our walk that some of the fields have small green shoots starting to show.  Teddy by the way hates the thunder and barks at it, like he does people, trains, cars and anything flying in the air!

I do hope you have all made the most of today and enjoy the Bank Holiday Monday!  All stay safe and well.

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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