Wednesday 22 April 2020

Day 31 - Lockdown

Day 31 of Lockdown

So here we are again.  Sorry for the grumpy blog yesterday.  I really wasn't feeling it yesterday and was very tired. On a good note I had an amazing nights sleep last night and feel so much better for it today.

Had another busy day at work so that was good.

Matthew cooked our tea tonight - Sweet and Sour Chicken with noodles.  I have to say it was delicious and looking forward to his next evening of cooking.

My Dad has decided to get up with the 'kids' as it were and set himself up on Facebook.  It was a bit of a shock to get a notification asking to be his friend.  I thought someone was impersonating him - apparently it is really him!  The worst thing is that he can now see these blogs, so can't talk about him anymore - hey Dad!  I did speak to him earlier and he has been reading my blogs and said if he ate what we do, he would be the size of a house.  He hasn't seen me for a while! 

We are proud to say that we came second in the Zoom Quiz tonight.  It was a really good laugh and nice to see so many people.  Thank you Russ for being our Quiz host.  He really went for it with the graphics.  I don't know how he has found time to organise it!

We have some food arriving tomorrow from the Cook Shop - really looking forward to it.  We have ordered some delicious goodies and included a pudding that Matthew chose.

Its shopping night again tomorrow, so we will be armed with our lists.  We have the parents lists now and just need to complete our own.

Got to tell you something that made us laugh last night.  Matthew got on the ride on mower yesterday as I told you and we are friends with some of our neighbours on Facebook.  So on my blog last night (you may have seen it), a neighbour commented "I love the grass Matthew although don’t think you will become a hairdresser 💇‍♀️ looking forward to seeing the Goal go up or the cricket crease" 
He hasn't got on the mower again, yet!  He left a few tufty bits.

So not a lot more to say tonight as its a bit of a late one again tonight.

You all take care and so until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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