Thursday 2 April 2020

Day 11 - Lockdown

Day 11 of the social distancing to lockdown is upon us.

Nothing too exciting has happened since I last blogged apart from we have a tidy office now!  Yiipppeee! Its taken a while but I have got there.  

I have been watching all the hilarious snippets from This Morning on my phone today.  Phil and Holly are so funny especially when Gino gets involved.  You have to watch them they brighten up a very dull day.

We have a lovely big skip sitting outside waiting for us to fill it. We have 20 years worth of rubbish we have cleared out since we started decorating in January - that will be therapeutic when we get to do that.

I got a lovely bunch of roses and some Green & Blacks chocolates delivered late yesterday, as a 'Thank you' which was a big surprise and brightened up my day, so a very big thank you from me.

So todays ingredient is... Ground Almonds.  You can make so many things with these especially Bakewell tarts, but I would like to present to you, a Lemon Cake.  This is also one of Fay Ripleys recipes the link here is to the recipe on the BBC Lemon Drizzle Cake.  We actually made this earlier this week and there isn't any left.  It doesn't make a particularly large cake and Chris asked me where the other half was!

So tomorrow is the Supermarket run.  I have ordered for collection from Morrisons and when I went to update last night, there was hardly any stock of anything available.  One loaf of bread and 4 pints of milk isn't going to feed 3 families for a week is it!  We are going to have to pop to a few other shops as well, which doesn't help with the go out once a week and social distancing.  I know that everybody else is in the same boat but it does get very frustrating.

This situation the longer it goes on, I do wonder what the mental health of us all will be.  Its not like I go out a lot anyway, but I can if I want to.  I usually have lots of work to keep me busy in the day also, but when you don't really have any, what are you meant to do.  I don't really want to just sit on the sofa watching films all day.  I don't mind watching the odd film, but I worry that will get boring very quickly.

So another short and sweet one today.

Until tomorrow.... keep distancing!

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