Sunday 19 April 2020

Day 28 - Lockdown

Day 27 of Lockdown.

I still can't believe we have got this far.  I did think when it started I might get to around 60 days, but the way it is going who knows!

I am sorry if I just ramble on each day about basically nothing, but I have to say that this is keeping me going as well as having such a lovely family and friends.

We have had such a busy day again.  I do wonder if we will run out of jobs to do. 
I pressure washed the fence as we have had lots of problems with the paint peeling off.  Its a picket fence so you can imagine how much of a nightmare it is and muddy I got.  Chris was using a sander to take other parts off that weren't so flaky.  Sorry neighbours for making so much noise with the petrol pressure washer. I then had to step out of my clothes into the shower!

Teddy then had an appointment at the Doggy Beauty Parlour and as you can see above it went well. He smells of oranges now and looks all fluffy. He didn't want his fur cut around his eyes, but I managed to do a little bit.  He also had a toothbrush and had is pads greased up for more speed!

I then made my way into the kitchen to sort out some tea.  I made Ballontine of Chicken tonight.  I have never made this before and just flew by the seat of my pants as it were.  I made some sage and onion stuffing.  Flattened the chicken then put the stuffing in the chicken and rolled it into cling film.  I then put it into a simmering pan of water for around 20 minutes. Once it was cooked pan fried it to give it a caramelised skin.  I also made roasted vegetables - sweet potato, pepper, carrot and leeks.  I love my yorkies, so decided to make those too, but only wanted small ones as we don't have that many eggs left.  And obviously gravy.

Whilst I was cooking tea Matthew made us a Lemon Meringue Pie.  He made the pastry along with the Lemon filling and meringue.  I am so proud of him for trying new things.  It was a bit of a squeeze both of us trying to make food in the kitchen at the same time.  Look at the result.  I didn't really help him, just gave him guidance on what different things meant in the recipe.

So its Monday tomorrow and back at work.  Have a Zoom meeting and we also have a Zoom Quiz on Wednesday night that we are looking forward to.

Something I have realised about being at home more is that we have more time to chat to the neighbours whilst socially distancing obviously.  Its really nice to catch up with them and we ask each other for help with things either of us don't have.  Thats what a community is about, however small it may be.

So all in all a great weekend and now we have a 5 day week ahead.  Simon is back doing school work tomorrow - its a bit of a worry as they really don't know when they will go back.  I also worry about Matthew and how he will get on the next 2 years with school the way it is.  Anyway that's a worry for another day and everyone is in the same boat.

So you all take care, stay safe and until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

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