Saturday 18 April 2020

Day 27 - Lockdown

Day 27 of my blog lockdown.

I have started this twice as for some reason it was playing up and lost loads of what I did, which is a pain in the butt!

The days seem to blot into each other these days.  At least having a little bit on work helps with trying to keep track of Monday-Friday.

So we had a little lie in this morning and decided to make a late breakfast.  I made Fay Ripleys Bake Breakfast Eggs and I have to say they were delicious with a bread roll.  Images shown above.

I then decided to tackle the boxes that were still sitting in our bedroom.  I can now confirm that all the crap is sorted out and either in the bin or nice and tidy.  I can't wait to get into our nice clean sheets tonight. Am I the only one that loves bed changing day or should I put it this way, like getting into clean sheets. (I hate bed change day as I have to change them).

We went outside for a bit today. We worked through the 20 or so spots of rain.  The poor garden looks a little bare now as have cut back absolutely loads.  I couldn't stop chopping all sorts, but my back started hurting so thought I better come in for a rest.  Teddy did his usual of stealing things and us having to chase after him.

We had some tuna/potato patties for tea and they were really nice.  Thought we would change it up a bit.

We haven't really been upto much else.  Obviously the odd glass of wine!

Wish us luck tomorrow as Teddy is going to have a spruce up.  He needs a bath, teeth brush, brush and fur cut!

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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