Sunday 17 May 2020

Day 56 - Stay Alert

Day 56 - what a beautiful day it has been, but will a little bit of a chilly breeze here.

Our Zoom quiz went great last night - was such a good laugh.  Not so much dancing this time still an enormous amount of laughs. Thank you so much everyone..until the next time.  The Baileys on ice late on really did put the cherry on the cake!

Had another busy day.  Got a bit of a lie in today, which was good after not getting to bed until after midnight.    Took Teddy out for a little walk, it was so lovely out that I decided to go further than normal - must have looked an idiot wondering around in my crocs, luckily Teddy didn't mind.

As you can see the Lay-Z-Spa is up and running. We filled it up yesterday and it got up to heat today, with a little help from the sun.  Then pottered about with some artificial flowers I ordered.  As previously mentioned I am not so good at keeping flowers alive.  Although I have put some herbs in pots that were in the kitchen.  Teddy must have lovely breath as he decided to eat a stalk of my mint plant, little sod.  He didn't eat another one!

Chris and the boys have completed the wood cutting and attaching, but now have to paint it.  They finished the seating and made a great little table with wheels on.  I am really impressed.  The seating pads has been despatched, so really looking forward to receiving it.  Now need a new parasol and some scatter cushions for our seating.  I also want some more lighting.  This lockdown is playing havoc with my ideas as I really don't want to go and look around shops with the current situation, although I do if you know what I mean.  Might have to organise a click and collect.  I like seeing and touching things before I buy them that's the problem, but even touching anything at the moment is out of the question.  Ggggrrr!! Feel like a child having a tantrum. 

We did manage a dip in the spa, which was just lovely and helped my aching body.  I have done so much this weekend, that it really did need to have a little spa treatment.

Then we had a wonderful BBQ - I gave Chris all the meat, corn on the cob and halloumi to cook, but forgot to start cooking the potatoes.  I keep forgetting to put them on, I am such an idiot.  I made Matthew his sweet potatoes also, as he has still been trying to avoid normal potatoes.

We went on our evening walk after our BBQ and as you can see in the first photograph the boys came with us and were kicking a mini rugby ball around, which ended up in the grain trailer.  Also saw the stone below, which is lovely and very apt for a week or so ago.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and remained safe.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!!

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