Wednesday 20 May 2020

Day 59 - Stay Alert

Day 59 and what a beautiful day its been again.

As you see we have been on another family walk tonight. It has become a routine where they all try to kick the mini rugby ball into the trailer. Please note chris is involved in this and mainly misses the target!

Not a lot to report since yesterday.  I don't know where the days go and they certainly whiz past at the moment.  Its Thursday already tomorrow and I was reminded today that this weekend has 3 days as Monday is a Bank Holiday, I had totally forgotten.

We were due to go away next week and meet up with Chris side of the family the following weekend but that has all had to be cancelled - look forward to doing it next year instead.

Had the spa to myself this evening as Simon went in there around lunch time and nobody else wanted to with me tonight - it was quite nice being in there on my own.  But I am too short to sit on the bottom, so I think I need a little seat in there. Amazon here I come again.  Simon said he wants an inflatable crocodile - children!

Matthew made a lovely Victoria sponge today as he wanted to make something and I just fancied one.  I look forward to having a slice soon.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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