Tuesday 26 May 2020

Day 65 - Stay Alert

Day 65 and it the day after a Bank Holiday!

It has been a really quiet day today, so I don't really have much to say, famous last words I hear you say!

As the day was a little quiet I decided to bring my laptop outside from around 4pm and my little PA came with me.  We were under the parasol as it was still quite sunny and had to be able to see the screen.  We are lucky that our wifi works just outside.

We have had a lovely Jacket Potato with chilli and lots of cheese for tea tonight and finished off with a bit of the carrot cake I made at the weekend.

Teddy did his usual tap on the arm to go for a walk, so we put our trainers on and got to it.  He was a really good boy as he came back to his whistle tonight, even though I did only use it twice, but at least he came back the twice I did it.  Teddy and I were waiting for Chris near the farmyard as he was setting the alarm and we saw a nasty big rat go running across the driveway.  As you can imagine Teddy was all over that and nearly pulled my arm off.  He went sniffing where it went, but I had to pull him back.  I think if he had been off his lead he would have caught it, but I would have been worried he might have got bitten, bless him.  The only thing our other terrier caught was a dead mouse - poor Gemma!

I have to say I am loving our new seating area.  I have ordered a new cantilever parasol for it as where it is positioned it gets so sunny, not that that's a bad thing, but it does get just too hot!

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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