Thursday 14 May 2020

Day 53 - Lockdown to 'stay alert'

So here we are at Day 53 of this crazy life we are leading at the moment.

Had a very busy day and evening so far already.  Went and collected one lot of shopping for 5pm this evening and now just updated the other lot of shopping for collection tomorrow morning.

We have a quiz tonight after the clap for carers which we are really looking forward to and probably have a couple of glasses of vino.

Its all go as we also have a quiz on Saturday night - how did we cope before we were in lockdown I wonder?

Matthew made us a lovely chilli with nachos for tea, which was very welcome.

The above photograph is from our trip to California.  Its from our hotel window in Boulder City, near the Hoover Dam.  That area really surprised me but some were quite a disappointment.  One of the most expensive hotels we stayed at was The Oasis in Death Valley and I have to say it was the worst.  It was quite cold whilst we were there so had to have the heating on, if you call it heating.  We were there on New Years Eve and it was just such not what we expected.  The food was awful and the accommodation well put this way, we locked the keys in the room and got in through the unlocked window!  We purchased a fairly expensive bottle of wine which was local and it tasted so bad I didn't drink it, so it must have been bad.

So I am going to have to love yer and leave yer, until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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