Thursday 21 May 2020

Day 60 - Stay Alert

Day 60 - so here we are at the day I was hoping we wouldn't get to, but we obviously have and I am sure there will be many more to come.

A late blog tonight as I have been busy cooking, walking and shopping ready for the collections tomorrow.  But all sorted now, thank goodness.

Had a busy day at work and the weather was beautiful again wasn't it.  We were meant to get some rain or thunder tonight, but we haven't had any here, not sure if anyone else has had any?

No dips in the hot tub tonight, I have been too busy, but looking forward to a 3 day weekend to relax.  The weather is meant to nice again and getting warmer again next week.

Sorry I haven't got a lot to talk about tonight, I feel a little tired.  Our fire alarms all went off at 5:45am and woke us up, but I did manage to get back to sleep and then Chris alarm went off at around 7am, so I have been struggling a bit today.  I am not sure we have many jobs lined up for the weekend, but I am sure I will find a book or 2 to read in the sun.

There isn't a lot on TV at the moment is there, although the Real Marigold Hotel is quite relaxing to watch, I wonder what is happening to the TV at the moment.  We do have Netflix etc but I feel sorry for the people that don't have anything like that as they do seem to be scraping the barrel.  I would rather they put films on that have been on 100's of times than some of the rubbish that is one here.

Well anyway, until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

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