Saturday 23 May 2020

Day 62 - Stay Alert

Day 62 - wow how did we get to this many days.

I forgot to show you yesterday our first ever, lovely, delicious Sourdough bread.  It was made from our second starter.  We think the first one was actually ok, but somebody in the family thought it was mouldy, but it wasn't!!!  It took over a day to make but we were really impressed with the results.  We don't have a proving basking, so we just used a tin.  What surprised me was that you bake it in a casserole dish.  Matthew now wants to find other things to make with the starter.  We are going to make pizza on Monday with it, but need to start tomorrow.  You have to be really organised if you want to make anything with it.  It was definitely worth it.

We got a lovely surprise in the post - a card with a Yorkshire Tea, teabag attached inside.  It was sent from family up North and very appreciated it was and the lovely words inside.  Its lovely how many people have got in touch with us over this lockdown who have been enjoying my blogs.  Thank you everyone of you for reading them and keeping me going.  I think its stopping me from going mad.  I know they are sometimes really late, but at least I have been getting them done every day.

So what have you all been up to today?  It has been extremely gusty here today and living on a hill makes it even worse.  Had a bit of a slow morning, with a bacon sandwich for breakfast.  Then we went outside and got our seating back into place after having been painted.  Chris had to bring the telehandler around so he could move them as they are just so heavy.  Then the 'men' in the family got to breaking up a slab of concrete we had in the garden. It used to be a base for the boys 'Play House' when they were small, but haven't had one for years and its been annoying me since.  Thought we might make it back into grass if we aren't going to use it for anything else.  We also had a little down pour today, not sure it actually watered the garden though.  I painted an old garden table for our little decking area, it should really have gone in the skip, but I think it looks really good now.  I baked a few scones for our afternoon treat and then took Teddy out for an early walk.

Teddy has had another bath today and I have groomed him.  He looks a little skinnier than he did before.  He absolutely hates it and just gets angry with me, but I just keep going with him.  At least he doesn't smell now and he actually looks like somebody owns him!

Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow?  I still haven't done any cleaning or washing, so they are probably jobs for tomorrow with my mountain of ironing.  It has been too hot to do that!

Hope you all have a lovely evening and until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

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